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Class ended, and I was already up, my intentions on a dusty bike outside. I felt someone grab my arm. I tensed, turning while bringing their arm against their back. "Selene! Relax, it's me." I immediately let go, hearing Scott's voice. Shame turned my cheeks red, and I looked away, trying not to freak out.

"Scott, I'm so sorry, I thought..." What did I think? He was something that was going to kill me like in all the dreams I had? Maybe going into this world was too much to handle. I could handle the dreams, but not the reality. No, that was weakness talking. I was strong. I was a Metallee, it was short for Metallum which meant Metal in Latin. Jessie used to tell me stories as kids, about how strong and powerful the Metallee were. We were as cold as metal, as was our strength.

He told me to keep a metal heart, so that I wouldn't be hurt. He started telling the stories again when mom got sick to help me feel better. "It's okay, are you okay? Stiles told me about the electrocution thing. About how you felt what I felt. I can't imagine that with you not being a wolf." I gave a shrug, trying to brush it off.

"I may be human, but I'm not as weak as you assume. I knew the dangers, and I accepted them. I just want to punch that guy who gave me the knot on my neck." I laughed, but it died quickly within me. "Do you have any idea what I could be?"

"We're honestly trying, but so far nothing. We're actually about to go check on Deaton; apparently Derek attacked him."

"Is he okay?" I meant Derek, but Scott must have assumed Deaton, the vet. "He's fine, but you could ask him about what you could be. Deaton knows plenty about our world."

Wait, did he say ours? As in I'm in this now, and have no way out? I was not part of their world, nor was I part of the normal world. I didn't know where I belonged to be honest. I had nowhere...except my world with my family, and even that seemed to be fading. "C'mon, let's go before Coach yells at us again." He said. Stiles was watching us, but when he saw us looking he acted like he was checking his phone. "Should she go? She took it pretty hard yesterday."

"Stiles," I said gently, but with force. "I'm a big girl; I wear big girl panties. The best advice I can give is to not worry about me, I've handled myself for years now." He rolled his eyes, giving a sarcastic gesture. He put his hand up like an army soldier, and saluted me. "Yes ma'am. But if you get electrocuted again, then don't think I'm not poking you with a stick until you're back again." A smiled spread on my face then.

How could they be so open with me? I was Selene, I was known as a threat to everyone here. I hid in the shadows, not letting anything close to me. So why...was I feeling like I belonged somewhere? I shouldn't; I shouldn't let myself get so close. And I won't, I promised myself not to get close to people and if this was it happening, then goodbye Supernatural bunch.

Even though Stiles offered to let me ride with them, I chose the comfort of my bike instead. There was something about being on it that seemed to calm me down. I soon found myself back the veterinary hospital. This Deaton...he asked about me last night, but we didn't say much. I just wanted to keep quiet and focus on Derek. I wasn't the main priority, that would've been Derek, but now...

I managed to walk to the door, Scott and Stiles following after me. The inside of the place looked normal, that is, until we got in the back. Supplies were strewn everywhere, picked up hastily. Deaton leaned against one of his tables, with Lydia wrapping his arm. Blood splotched the pure white bandage.

"I don't think he's just younger in his body, Scott." Deaton said quietly as he gritted his teeth. "I think he's younger in the mind as well."

"Yeah, he didn't recognize either of us, and he looked like he was scared out of his mind." Lydia sighed. She looked older, more worn in the moment. She had to of been drained if she hadn't slept since last night.

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