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I awoke to the sound of soft mummers; my back ached, especially right at my neck. I touched the tender spot, wincing back in pain. "Oh hell," I muttered. 

Someone must have heard me, because footsteps soon followed to my direction. It was Kira, her hands pulling my light hair back.

"Looks like someone hit you with something big." I sat up, the room slightly spinning. The last thing I remembered was the hallway and the guards coming to get us. "What was that stuff back there, kryptonite?" I was trying to lighten the mood. It was obvious we were captured, and from the looks of the barren room with one steel door—there was no escape. Kira gave a small laugh, but she looked scared. "It's wolfsbane, highly poisonous to werewolves and foxes." I forgot she wasn't a werewolf, she was some weird word, and Malia was a were-coyote. There were way too many supernatural beings for me to handle.

"They don't have Derek." Scott said, his eyebrows tied together in confusion. How could that be? I saw him, he was in Mexico. I can feel him here.

"We know, but they have Lydia."

I pulled myself to my feet, not minding the dizziness. "Where is she?" All of their faces had fallen. Everyone was there but her, a sick feeling in my stomach. "The Calaveras have her. They probably want to talk to her about the banshee powers; that's why if they ask why you're here, you say nothing about the dreams. You stumbled into our world, and we let you in. You didn't know anything until a couple days ago. You're human." The word sent a cold chill down my spine. Even they too were thinking I wasn't human. I had been trying to figure out what I could be but from what Scott and Kira had told me there were thousands of supernatural creatures out there. Who knows what I could be, or I could actually be like Lydia. Being about to see and hear the supernatural but perfectly human is not something pleasant but I'm not sure how to feel if I'm not actually human.

"Human, not crazy, got it. So then how do we get out?"

"Scott's been trying to get out, but the door's too strong." Stiles said. "It's locked from the outside." I went over to it, my hands touching the cool metal. There was a lock on our side, but my pinkie could barely fit into it. My mind started turning as I thought of something. "Does anyone have a bobby pin?"

"Are you serious? You're really going to try that?"

"Maybe; most people assume to only use one bobby pin but you actually need two or more. I already have one in my hair." I took the small black bobby pin from my hair, holding in a small braid near my ear. Kira stuck a hand out, handing me a brown bobby pin like mine. My rebellious skills kicked in, and I automatically started picking at the lock. Imagine taking a lock, now take that lock, and make it industrial and backwards. Yea, that's what I was trying to unlock.

May I say challenge accepted?

Look, I was no angel. I spent my time in Juvy for breaking into some cars, stealing from a couple stores, nothing big. When it was just me and mom, it was hard for me to live on my own. There were days I thought social services would take me away because she was getting so sick and I was basically her caretaker. I wasn't old enough to work, and she was too sick to even think it; I had to do something to eat. I eventually got caught by the sheriff, Stiles' dad, but he always got me out of trouble. He went to school with mom, and helped whenever he could when I was younger. Whenever my Juvy sentence was over, Jessie was back from the Army and may I say I had never seen him so angry at me? Since then, I've been trying to be a good girl, but I get my occasional hiccups. This would be one of them now.

"You're not going to pick a steel lock with a bobby pin, it's impossible..." Stiles trailed off when a loud click sounded off. I grinned, tucking my pin back into my braid. "How does she do this? Appear out of nowhere and be able to do everything?"

Ghost in the Shadows (A Teen Wolf fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now