The Threat

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It didn't take us long to get to the hospital, I partially helped (more like dictated) carrying Liam into the emergency room. A woman with scrunched raven hair walked up to us, her hands on her hips and her lips pursed. 

"Hey mom," Scott said shyly. She hadn't changed a bit, her face still looked young, just like when we were kids. "What happened to him?"

"Lacrosse accident," Scott said bluntly, the guilt back on his face. Ms. McCall helped grab Liam, Stiles and Scott letting go. I scowled at the two, helping her carry him.

"Men," I said disgusted. Ms. McCall scoffed. "Try living with one."

"I do, an older brother." She took a moment to look at me.

"Selene?" I gave a wry smile. How could she remember me? I was like seven the last she saw me.

"The one and only," she grinned.

"I'm so glad to see you, how are you? Oh hang on," she called someone over, a dark man in a doctor's coat coming over. "Thought you might want to handle this one," she sounded kind about it. The doctor started asking Liam a million things, overwhelming Liam. He steered Liam away, and I wanted to go after him, but I also wanted to talk to Ms. McCall. Scott was suddenly beside me, appearing after we had to carry Liam.

"Mom, I didn't mean to. We collided and he went flying and landed on his leg." Pfft, right. He was in total beast mode when that happened. "It's okay, it happens." She glanced at me, then back at him. "You remember Selene, right mom? Jessie used to baby sit us."

"Hold up, you remembered that and you said nothing?" It came out before I could stop it. "Yeah, who wouldn't? He let us watch whatever we wanted and eat ice cream." He laughed at the memory. I was even smiling.

"Yes I do, I was just talking to her."

"Oh that's great. I have to get back to the school and grab my stuff, but I'll be back. I don't want to leave him alone." I wish I could've done something for him, but I couldn't. He looked so upset. He kissed his moms cheek, running out the doors without another word.

"He's always on the run." She said.

"You have no clue." I replied back. She told me to walk with her, that she was doing rounds.

"So, do you know Liam?"

", but no one but Scott would go with him to the hospital, so I volunteered to stay with both of them." Seemed like a good enough lie. I didn't know if Ms. McCall knew anything about her son or his life so I was keeping quiet, even though I was feeling 100% guilty. I actually liked her, and wished I'd talked to her while mom was sick. She came by and visited mom every now and then, but I usually avoided her. "That was nice of you. His dad's in there with him now, but you can come back in a little bit."

"How's your mother?" I cringed at her words. The one question I refused to answer. But come on, what was I denying here? I knew my mom was going to die, and soon. It was inevitable since the day I walked out of the McCall house while being told how strong my mother was.

There was a part of me...though, and that part was a screaming to spare my mother. To take my life and save hers and let everyone be happy. If my mom knew I had been thinking like that, or Jessie, I'd be sure in for it. My mom was one of the strongest people I knew. She was left alone to raise two children on her own, and a shop. She smiled when she was in pain, she would walk when she had no strength left in her. Her what kept both her and me alive for years, and now that was coming to an end. A very short end... "The doctor said she doesn't have long—she stopped treatment a little over a year ago after she found out there was no cure."

Ghost in the Shadows (A Teen Wolf fan-fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora