Waking Up

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"Get him on the table—now!" Scott and Stiles practically threw the young Derek onto the small metal table. I helped too, but didn't have to do much considering Scott was doing all the heavy lifting. I touched Derek's arm, it being cold to touch. We weren't out in the rain long, but we were soaked to the bone. I trembled in both fear and lack of heat in me. He looked so young—Derek did—it was like looking at someone completely different. How could that Kate woman do this? Why would she turn him back into a innocent boy? It didn't make sense! I snapped out from my reverie when I heard the doc's voice. "I think you might be overestimating my abilities." What? No, he had to help Derek!

"He's cold," Lydia said suddenly. "He's really cold."

"Well then what do we do?" I asked. The doc looked at me, slightly confused. "Until he wakes up? Probably not much; it might be safe to leave him with me. He'll be safe here."

"You mean from Kate?" Stiles got a haunted look on his face. He was shaking, as was me and Lydia, but his seemed to be more from rage. I knew it had to been hard for him to see his friend like this, they all did. The doctor (or vet, or whatever) began explain how Kate couldn't get in. Something about Mountain Ash? Apparently it bound werewolves in and out of places. "Why would she do this to him?" Lydia's hand rested against Derek's in a manner that I did to Jessie. It was support without realizing it. A pang of guilt shot through me. He would be worried, I hadn't called him or anything. He would be so mad to find out...

"Selene...is that you?" I cringed. Dammit, caught by the brother. You know, it really sucked living with someone who could be awoken by the wind two towns over. Sneaking in an out was a job itself for me. "Yea, I just got home." I said, hoping he was still asleep some. "At four in the morning?" Another cringe swept through me. I didn't want to lie to my brother, but what else could I do? I mean I couldn't tell him I had been dreaming of the lives of people I went to school with while tracking down a grown man who had mysteriously turned back to sixteen. That was insanity by itself. "Yea, one of the cars got a flat and we got stuck all day." Truth...somewhat truth. Let's stick to that and see how it goes. Jessie came out from the back room. Luckily, he pulled on sweat pants before blinding me with his Boxers of Doom as I call them. "Why didn't you call me; I could've lent you guys a tire."

"Yeah, the reception out there sucked, and we had to wait for a forest ranger to help us. It was fine." I hated lying to Jessie, with a passion. It was like lying to my mom if not worse. I would never want to hurt him, but that's why I was doing this, right? I was lying so he didn't think his baby sister finally cracked in the head.

"Okay...well did you have fun? Did you like having friends?" I laughed, hoping it didn't think it was fake. "Yeah, it was actually—fun." He smiled, looking genuinely happy. I knew my brother worried about me, he was supposed to, but the fact that making him believe I had fun and not get electrocuted made the warm and fuzzies glow in me. He came over, petting my head like a dog and making my hair a mess. "Well I'm glad you did. You deserved it. Now get some sleep, I don't want you falling asleep in first period." I made my way to my room, not denying that. Sleep sounded like the best thing ever right now. I didn't even try changing clothes even though I was doused in sweat and sand. My bed seemed to swallow me, and I was immediately in the darkness of slumber.

It was the first time in weeks I had woken up and not scared to death and drenched in sweat. I had dreamed of nothing, and that was what worried me. Radio silence in my head was both a relief on me, and yet the silence before what felt like a hazardous storm. I didn't even say goodbye to Jessie. The rains from the night before had left, but the memory still hung in the air.

Derek was still unconscious, and I was nowhere near close to finding out what I was. The sun seemed to be duller than usual to me, and the crowds of people more irksome. Maybe it was because I got less than two hours of sleep. Maybe it was the fact I was going stir crazy and not sure what to do for Derek or myself. By the time I got into history class, I was jumping out of my skin to leave. I sat in across from Scott and Malia, turning to face them. "Heard anything?" Both shook their heads. "He's still out, and Deaton said it might be a while."

I wrapped my finger's tightly together, not sure how to feel. This could take hours before I could question him. Ugh, I could punch a wall right now. Or a she-whatever-the-hell Kate Argent was. She was the one who did this to Derek; I didn't know the guy, but I did know enough that I cared about him turning back to his old self. I was bonded to this Derek, and I prayed he had answers when he woke up. Cause at this point, I had nada on the visions-and-possibly-not-human ordeal. I could barely keep up with the class, my mind moving slower than molasses. I had worked for days with only two hours of sleep (trust me) but today, it was like I couldn't get a grip on things. Maybe the visions were taking a toll. Or maybe, my body was still healing from being electrocuted. The world may never know.

"Selene," Kira hissed. She looked worried, glancing down to my desk. I followed, seeing a paper with a house one it. No, not the normal square house with a triangle roof that anybody can draw; but this was one of those major houses that you'd see Da Vinci drawing. It was a two story with windows everywhere. It looked like it could hold three families. The shading on the wood paneling was perfect, and I could see shadows of people inside the windows. I looked down at my hands, seeing they were dark with pencil. My voice got caught in my throat, and I gasped for air. "What—what is that place?" I felt Scott look over, but I looked at the drawing still. I didn't even realize I was drawing, I was just thinking about...Derek. I gave an internal scream. What was it with this guy? "It's the Hale House. It's where Derek's family died, and Peter got burned at."

"Well why am I drawing it?" I started wiping the pencil lead off of on my jeans, panic washing over the confusion I had been feeling earlier.

"Maybe you have a certain bond to Derek that you don't have to us. That's why you found him, that's why you said you could feel him." The idea was crazy, but then again; werewolves and banshee's existed and I was somehow tied to them. I could be tied to him, but I was tied to all of them. I could sense what they sensed when I was in my dreams. Derek was different though...I was able to find him in a maze of a Mexican church. Why was he different though? "Do you think this has something to do with young Derek?"

"I said phones off!" Kira's dad, our history teacher, yelled at us. It was apparent people's phones were going off. I had to hold back a laugh when Kira explained to her dad that it was his phone. He looked at the phone, as the class tried not to giggle like schoolgirls.

"Scott, call Lydia." He read the text aloud. He turned to his daughter, looking worried and confused. We all turned to Scott, the obvious on our faces.

Derek was awake.

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