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 Kaylie: It was the trail day, I was on the side with Mr. Carson, while my parents on the other. All rise, for Judge David, please. The Bailiff said. Thank, Mr Blake. & Mrs Susie. Fink vs Kaylie Fink in the right to her own body, state your case please. She said. I like to call Mrs. Susie Fink to the stand, please. Mr. Carson said as my mom went to the stand. What is your day like? He asked her. Normal, I make up make breakfast, the kids go to school, I take care of Ally, go to the store and.............so you leave Ally alone at home when you go to the store? He asked her. No, I never leave her alone, she'll be with my husband, my sister, her brother or sister. She said. Please tell what happened when Ally got sick? He asked her. I had to quit my job because no one could take care of her. She said. Now do you have a favorite child? He asked. Excuse me? My mom said. Objection, her lawyer said. Overruled, please, answer the question Mrs. Fink. He asked. I love all my children the same. She said. Do you really? He said. What are you trying to say Mr. Carson? Her Lawyer said. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury this woman knew her child was sick and the only way to save her was to make her other child, my client give up her blood against her will to save her other child. He said. That is not true, I'm a great mother I love my children! She said. But if you had to save one it would be Ally, because you sacrifice one of her siblings for her. He said. No, that's true, stop twisting my world you bastard. She said. Mrs.Fink, please, go on Mr. Carson. The Judge said. Mrs. Fink if you love Kaylie so much, why did you make her give up her blood, if it made her so unhappy Mrs. Fink? He asked. I just didn't want to see Ally in pain, If you were a parent you want to save your child to. She said crying. No more Questions. He said.   

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