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  Blake: After Susie went on the stand, I took the stand next. Mr. Fink what would you do, to make Kaylie and Ally fell happy? Kaylie's Lawyer asked. Whenever they had a bad day I talked to them, or after the blood transfusion, I take them to the mall or to buy ice cream. I said. Do you, always buy Kaylie the bigger toy, or the most ice cream? He asked. Objection, what does this have to do with this case? Our lawyer asked. I'm just showing that he has guilt, that he knew what his wife was doing to his daughter, so he but her the biggest dollhouse or three scoops of ice cream, so she feels like if she did this for her sister, she would get anything she wanted, while the other children go the middle class or had to waite for the good stuff. He said. No, we treated all of our children the same, we never spoiled Kaylie, because me made her do something she didn't want to do. I said. So you admit that she didn't want to do the blood transfusion, so if Kaylie wanted to give up something like dancing or going to college, you make her stay even though she hated it and it made her unhappy. He said. No, that's different. I said. Did Kaylie ever tell you she wanted to stop? He asked. She did once, when she was ten, she said that she wanted to stop. I said. Four years ago she told you she wanted to stop, and you still made her do it, why, why did you let your wife do this to her, over and over,why did you still do it to her Mr.Fink?! I couldn't lose another child! I said. Another child? He asked. One year before we had Joey we were pregnant with another baby, then we were in a car accident the baby didn't make it, we wanted to give up but then Joey, and Kaylie came, then we had Ally and she perfect,We were so in love with each other, then when she got sick I didn't want her to die, I love my children, I couldn't lose another. I said. I saw Susie leave the room, then I looked over at Kaylie.   

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