Chapter 3

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It was really awkward when Mr. Ronaldo's Fiance came to the office and she has been here All. Fucking. Day....

Everytime I turn she's behind me wanting to talk about her and Crissie (what she calls him). I was really getiing annoyed with it and I had no one else to talk to in this humongous building because I was the only one working in it. Literally. Right now I was going through his files trying to find a certain one for him. The crazy thing is on almost every file it said departed and I had no idea what that meant. Being my curious self I decided to ask. I pushed myself up from my spot on the floor and walked to his office. It was quiet which was unusual because Mr. Renaldo was always yelling at someone or something.

"WHAT THE FUCK KOURTNEY GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE." When I pushed his office door open all I saw was his fiance on the floor in between his legs sucking his dick. I was shocked at how big it was and at the same time I was shocked that I walked in on a woman sucking my boss's dick. I screamed and pulled the door shut scared of what would happen next.

"Haha. You saw didn't you?" I turned to see one of his guards staring down at me. I nodded my head because I couldn't talk. He chuckled lightly before turning back around as Mr. Ronaldo stormed out of the office red faced, his fiance stumbling after him.

"I- I'll see you later when y- you get home. Bye Kourt!" She tried walking out of the office sexily while still stumbling on her heels. He mumbled a goodbye to her and turned back to me.

"In my office. NOW!" I followed him into his office not really pleased with his tone. As soon I stepped my second foot into the office the door slammed causing a loud noise. He turned to face me with both hands still on the knobs of the door.

"Ms. Smith. I keep warning you but you just can't seem to take a fucking hint. When you see you office doors close behind me you DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT come into my fucking office without asking. You may walk in one day day and see I'm busy with, lets say a client. A client that hasn't been loyal, a client that didn't follow my fucking rules. A client that couldn't keep his FUCKING MOUTH SHUT! You see Ms. Smith, that client would be punished and no way a human should be and I wouldn't want your pretty little eyes seeing that." With every word he said he got closer and closer to me until we were breaths apart. His face was red and he looked exhausted.

"What are you talking about?" I pushed him away from me and backed up to the door.

"I'm a killer Ms. Smith. That's what I fucking do for a living. When things don't go my way, I kill whoever I can get my hands on. Even if they didn't do it. I'm a mafia leaders Ms. Smith. HAVE YOU NOT GOTTEN THAT INTO YOUR PRETTY FUCKING HEAD YET? HUH? HAVE YOU NOT NOTICED HOW I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU AND HOW YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO WORKS HERE. FOR CHRIST SAKES THINK SOMETIMES BITCH!" After what he just said it all came to me, the files with the word departed on it, and how he has guards and knows my whole life more than I do. But then something came to me.... Did he just call me Bitch?

"I don't know who the hell you think you are Mr. Ronaldo but you will not sit here and talk to me like I'm some sort of animal. Nigga, I will get up and walk out this FUCKING OFFICE AND FIND A DIFFERENT JOB THAT APPRECIATES ME!" I felt like a million bucks after I said that.

He walked over towards me slowly and put his hands around my neck, choking me. "That's one thing you won't do, and I do not appreciate you talking to me like that." He slapped me before pushing me up against the door and kissing me, grabbing me all over my body. Is this bitch bipolar or something? I pushed him off of me while wiping my mouth.

"Get off of me!" He looked angry now. He pulled a gun out of his pocket and walked over to me slowly.

"I get what I want when I want it." Next thing I knew I saw his arm swinging and everything go black.

Hey guys I know this chapter is very very short but I had to give you something so you weren't just hanging there! My mom is making me do the dishes and clean the house because I am out on spring break and have nothing to do but I promise I will update tomorrow!!!

xoxoxox. Iyana

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