Chapter 9 (not edited)

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Hey Guys!! I Had writer's block so I gave you guys the choice of sending me some ideas to help out the book. I heard a lot of good ideas that I really liked but one stood out to me the most. I hope you enjoy the chapter! Congrats to sydd_theebest_ for her idea! I really appreciate you guys that sent me ideas! Go check out syd's book Broken By the Mafia..... You wont regret it!

Kourtney POV:

I had to catch 3 different cabs, and a bus before I landed on the front steps of my best friend's house "Who is it?" I was beating the apartment door, scared for my life. I was paranoid Cristiano was right behind me ready to wrap his hands around my neck and kill me.

"It's me Kourtney. Please hurry and open the door. PLEASE." Rylee opened the door with a hair bonnet on and a robe looking like a zombie.

"What are you doing out so late?" She walked out of her apartment and closer to me with concern written all over her face. I studied her once beautiful, now droppy and tired looking face.

"Have you been doing ok Rylee? You don't look like yourself." I wrapped my arms around her shoulder as she tensed up to my touch.

"Well for starters I haven't heard from my best friend in over a month until today." I pulled away from her and saw the sadness in her eyes. "Secondly, your boss threatened to kill me today on the phone."

"I'm so sorry Rylee. He was trying to kill me because I called you." She grabbed my arm and looked around the outside of her apartment before shutting to door and locking it.

Her apartment had a very warm, homey fell to it. I missed being in this apartment everyday. Rylee walked over to her brown couch recliner and sat down.

"Um, Kourtney I need to talk to you." She had her hands in her lap and her head down playing with her nails.

I walked over to the couch and sat down next to her confused. She looked up at me and I saw the sadness in her brown eyes.

"About what?"

"I think someone is after us."

Cristiano POV:

I tried calling Kourtney over 20 times and it is going straight to voicemail. I'm pissed the fuck off and when I get my hands on her she's dead. I looked all over New York city for her and couldn't find her. I went to every place she would ever go and she wasn't there. I even went to her friend Rylee's house shortly after she left looking for her. I finally gave up and ended up back at the office.

*Next day

I woke up as the flooded through the office windows and into my eyes. I stood up and stretched my body as I yawned. I began to walk to the door to head to Kourtney's home when it all hit me in the face.

She's gone.

I put my hands on my face and sighed as I looked at my watch and saw the time. I decided to go to Starbuck's to get some coffee and to think. I grabbed my leather jacket and walked out of my office door.

"Morning boss." Benito and Chris were sitting at the wooden table outside my office playing cards.

"When did you guys get here?"

"Last night. You didn't call after you told us to leave the other day and we thought something was up so we came up here and saw you in your office sleeping like a baby." Both men started to laugh.

"Shut to fuck up. I'm going to get coffee. Stay here until I get back." They nodded and went back to their game of poker whispering, and giggling.

I walked into the Starbucks and ordered my regular dark coffee and went to a booth away from everyone else.

Unknown POV:

I saw him walk out of his office and followed him all the way to starbucks. I watched as he walked in. He didn't know I was following him. There were times I was almost caught but I played it off and acted like any other New Yorker walking around. I know that he missed Kourtney just as I had. I missed seeing that sweet ass everyday. I hated that she and Rylee moved here, and so far away from me. When I see them it's defiantly gonna be a surprise.

I got out the car and walked into the Starbucks. I ordered so no one got suspicious and started questioning me. I saw Cristiano sitting over in a booth my himself as he drank the coffee like a drug he dearly needed. I had been following him for so long and now I think it's time to reveal myself. I knew this wasn't the most sane man I was working with so I had to play my cards right. I walked to the table as he put the coffee down and began talking in Italian. He hit the table causing his hand to hit glass and cut him very badly. A few people stopped to look his direction as he tried to breathe and calm himself.

"Excuse me." He looked up at me with anger in his eyes. Veins were popping out of his muscular arms as he clenched his cut hand open and closed again.


"May I sit please?"

"Who the hell are you?" he stood up and sized me up as I looked at him. he was a few inches taller than me but not that much.

"Ok listen I'm gonna cut the bullshit act and just say what I need to say." He eyed very suspiciously after I had said that.

"Do I know you? You look very familiar." He walked closer to me and stared me directly in the eye.

"I know you. You don't know me. I need your help Cristiano." He gave me the most questioning, angry look.

"What the fuck. Did Benny send you here? How do you know my name? Cosa diavolo. Sto per uccidere Benny!"

"Calm down. No one sent me here. I came myself. Now listen and listen closely because I don't have a lot of time. There is a woman that I am looking for, two actually, and I need your help to find and capture them for me." He looked at me like I was a mad man.

"I only do business with myself." He turned to his booth and picked up his leather jacket and coffee and tried walking past me out the door. I grabbed his arm as he turned to me looking as if he wanted to kill me.

"Get your fucking hands off of me right now." He turned and got all up in my face and I just stood there so I wouldn't make this crazy motherfucker and my mad than he already is.

"Just listen to my offer and maybe you will consider. Now before we start to discuss what's in for you I want you to know that you know the women I am looking for very well."

"What's your name?"

I stuck my hand out to him so he could shake it.

"Charles. Charles Jackson."

I picked up the phone I use only for buisness and called the last number I thought I would ever call.

"Ciao?" (Hello)

"Bisogno del vostro aiuto." (I need your help)

"E quel cugino?" (Is that you cousin)

"Si." (Yes)

"Come e stato?" (How you been)

"Cut the bullshit Bruno. You wouldn't give a fuck if I was dead."

"Yeah your right. What the hell do you want?"

"I need some help." He laughed on the other end of the phone.

"You abandonded your own family to move to America and now you want our help? Your lucky if we don't find you and kill you."

"Look I know what I did wasn't the best idea but it was for my own good."

"You know what. Goodbye." I heard the air on the other end of the phone as he pulled it from his ear.

"WAIT!" He pulled the phone back up to his ear and huffed.

"You have 10 minutes. Talk." I told him everything, from the reason of me coming to America, all the way to hiring Kourtney and her running away, to meeting that older man Charles today.

"And why do you need my help?"

"Because he is after kourtney."

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