Chapter 4

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Fun Fact: I just noticed that the character Cristiano was named after Cristiano Renaldo. lol I thought it was something I came up with! Also follow me on Instagram because thats basically my life and its a faster way to get in touch with me! I follow back also ;}

Cristiano POV:

"Benito! Chris! Get your asses in here and help me with her!" I hovered over Kourtney's body as Benito and Chris ran through the door stopping in there tracks as they saw Kourtney's body on the floor.

They came over and stood next to me staring down at her body on the floor. "Boss. What did you do?"

"WHAT THE HELL DOES IT LOOK LIKE I DID YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" I stood there trying to make everything out in my mind. All she had to do was follow my fucking rules and listen to eveything I say and she would be alright. Now she has put herself in the same situation Angela did. Dumb bitch always has to act like she can stand her ground. Well sometimes that gets you in trouble when you do it to the wrong people.

"Boss. What do we do. Are we gonna do her like Ange-"

"DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK OF HER NAME! DON'T EVEN THINK IT.DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT THINKING IT." I turned to Benito who had opened his big mouth. He had a scared look on his face. The funny thing is they are huge and they are scared of me.

"Sorry boss." they both mumbled.

"Shut the fuck up and help me pick her up." They wouldn't move from their places. They just looked at me. "What the fuck are you waiting for you idiots?"

"Boss we don't know if we want to do this. What if she ends up like-"

"I SAID DON'T SPEAK OF HER FUCKING NAME BOY!" I grabbed the collar of the too tight shirt he was wearing and shook him. He looked scared for his life. They looked at each other before slowly bending down and grabbing. One grabbed her legs and the other her torso and head. They started carrying her out of the office before stopping and turning back to me.

"What are you waiting for!" They didn't say a word. They just looked down towards Kourtney.

Her eyes were open and she was looking up in terror.

Kourtney POV:

I looked up in terror as Benito and Chris were holding my body as if they were carrying me somewhere. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" I tried twisting and squirming out of there hands but they were to strong. My adrenaline was pumping so I could feel no pain even though my head was bleeding. My only thought was Get away from these crazy mother fuckers. I looked up at Cristiano and he was looking at me with piercing eyes.

"Don't let her get away." He said in a slow and daring voice. Chris and Benito looked down at me with smiles on there faces as I looked at them angry. I twisted my body, this time catching them off guard. I fell to the ground with a thud and pushed myself up before they could catch me. They turned and started chasing me as I ran down, what seemed like, a never ending hallway. I noticed there was a corner up ahead and I ran with all my strength. I made my way around the corner and ran over to the elevators. I thought I was gonna make it, I really did until I felt the last thing I wanted to feel. A heavy body colliding with mine and knocking me on the ground I tried turning and squirming my way out of the arms.

"AAH! Let go of me!" I was twisting and turning trying to get away. I turned until I was facing my attacker which was Benito. I had him in a headlock choking him as his arms tightened around my waist. I elbowed him in the head trying to get him to let go. His arms were still around my waist squeezing me as I tried to fight my way out.

"IF YOU LET HER GO I WILL KILL YOU AND HER BENITO!" I twisted my body until I saw that Cristiano and Chris were a couple of feet away. I needed to hurry and get away fast before they caught up and tried hurting me, even worse, killing me. I decided to do what my dad taught me to do when I was in a situation like this. I know what your thinking, why didn't you just do that in the first place? Well until your in my situation you don't know what you would do either. His arms were still secured around me so I squirmed until his hands were up near my breast trying to pull me back down. I grabbed his arm in between my legs and bit his hand as hard as I could while twisting his wrist at the same time. I heard just what I wanted to, a snap and then him screaming in terror. Cristiano was about 5 feet away and I jumped up as fast as I could go in a pencil skirt and stilletos and ran.

I was running for my life but if i didn't do something about these heels I was dead. I stopped for what felt like 10 minutes and pulled the shoes off while turning around and throwing them at Cristiano and Chris who were trying to dodge them. I was to busy trying to throw shoes I didn't notice that Cristiano was smiling wickedly and looking ahead of me at something. I turned to see what it was but before I could I came in contact with a hard wall. I felt as if someone had hit me with a weight and all the air was knocked out of me as I flew back trying to catch my breath in the process. Chris and Cristiano laughed as I could here their feet speeding up on the ground but I couldn't stop and think about the pain because there was one thing on my mind.


I ran and turned a quick corner, adrenaline running through me. When I looked ahead I saw elevators. I ran over to them knowing this was the end I would get away. I ran and pressed the button about a million times. The doors slowly came open as I jumped in and pressed any button I could. As the doors were shutting Cristiano and Chris were just getting there with Benito traveling slowly behind them. I flipped those mother fuckers off as I slid my back down the the elevator wall and all the pain came to reality.
I had no breath in my body and my ankle was aching. My shirt was ripped open, blood on my breast and dry blood on the side of my head. At that moment all I could think was I made it as the elevator doors creaked open. I could already see darkness through the crack. I was hoping it wasn't a basement, but my dreams were crushed as I came face to face with a basement. I closed my eyes and sighed praying to God silently to spare my life. I opened my eyes slowly and came face to face with the last things I wanted to see.

Cristiano and his guards smiling wickedly.

I sighed excepting the fact I was going to die.



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