Chapter 12

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Kourtney POV:

I shook my head side to side as sharp pains shot throughout my head. I tried thinking about what had happened and where I was, but my mind was fighting against me. I was worried about where I was while my brain was trying to figure out why it was going through so much pain at the moment. There was a faint voice that sounded far away, but at the moment my brain wouldn't function to try and figure out who's it was. I tried thinking back to where I was before this, but my mind wouldn't let me.. As if my body was in control of itself and I was a soul laying there.

My eyes slowly shook as I struggled to open them. Bright flashes of lights shot in front of my eyes; left to right, and disappeared, just to reappear again. I felt hot tears start to sting my face as my body shook uncontrollably. My body pulled itself up into a fetal position as I shook harder and harder.

I could feel a warm substance slowly make its way up my throat as my body let a blood curdling scream pass through my lips. The substance slowly started oozing down the side of my face, down into the crease of my neck. I could feel my eyes start to roll in my head as my whole body went into shock.

My body shook until I could feel myself falling. i was stll in a fetal position as I hit head first, and made contact with hard cement.

I could feel everything going on in my body.. I could feel the blood rushing through my veins, my body shooting signals around to each other trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I wasn't shaking myself... My body was. I was no longer in control as I tried so desperately to cry out in pain, but my body wouldn't allow that.

I felt hand wrap around my body trying to console me, and keep me still.

"Afferrarla! Qualcosa e andato storto fretta rapido!" ( Grab her hurry! Something has gone wrong. Quick hurry!)

"Cazzo! Cazzo! Im perdendo il polso!"

"Prederla! Dobbiamo portarla a doc... Sapevo che questa operazione non avrebbe funzionato." (Pick her up! We have to take her to the doc.. I knew this operation wouldn't work.)

Cristiano POV:

"Ciao?" (Hello)


"MIchael e che si?" (Michael is that you)

"Gia mamma... Pensavo che ti ho detto di chiamarmi Cristiano." (yes mama.. I thought I told you to call me Cristiano.)

"Oh mio Dio.. Mamme baby! Suo bene cosi a lungo." (Oh my goodness.. Mamas baby! Its been so long.)

"Mamma ti parlato ieri." (Mama I talked to you yesterday.)

"Che e a lungo per la povera vecchia mamma. Sono come voi bambino?" ( Thats to long for your poor old mama. How are you baby.)

"Im bene.. Come padre facendo." (I'm fine.. how is father doing.)

"Cristiano Alberto Alonzo Ronaldo! Chiamare tuo padre giusto questo minuto e parlare con lui. Egli non si trova. Non osare mascherate nuovamante e mo chiedono how hes facendo quando si puo chiamarlo. Nuovamente e calci nel culo. Narrativa?" (Cristiano Alberto Alonzo Ronaldo! Call your father right this minute! Don't you dare call me again and ask me how he is doing when you can call him yourself. He misses you. Do it again and I will kick your ass. Understand?)

"Yes mama. I understand you." I turned down the street leading to Rylee's apartment to see if Kourtney was still there. The last time I saw her was when Bruno and I went to see if she was there. It pained me too much to see that she was doing perfectly fine without me, while I was over here moping around like a baby. I wanted to start watching the apartment to make sure they were safe... Well Kourntey was. I know that seems a little selfish, but I really do love her and care for her. I want her and Rylee to be safe, but I'm just a tad bit worried more about Kourtney.

I wasn't really listening to what Mamma said as I noticed the blood on my hands. "Mama I love you but I have to go."

"Wait Cristiano. Remember what I said about your father? You need to talk to him. Even if he did abuse me in the past and we are now divorced he is still your papa."

"Yes mother I know." She kept talking as I grabbed a hanker chief from my suit pocket and wiped my hands off. The blood was dry and crusted only a little of it wiped off. I gave up and threw the hanker chief on the passenger floor as Mama went on to talk about how I need to find love.

"OK mamma I really need to go. Bye." I hung the phone up in her face knowing that when I called her again I will be getting cussed out, and threatened. My mama was a sweet lady, the sweetest you will ever meet, but she is serious when it comes to respect.

I pulled into the apartment complex and turned down Rylee's row. I glanced up to the door before turning under the little parking garages out front, when I noticed it was slightly ajar. I stopped the car where it was blocking 2 other people behind me form pulling in and jumped out. I didn't care that I was covered in blood from killing 2 most recent body guards for not doing their jobs right.

The car that was behind me started to honk as I pulled my gun out of my waist and pointed it towards the car. When they noticed what I had they moved both hands away from the steering wheel as their eyes got wide. I ran over to the stairs and ran up to Rylee's apartment. When I got to the door I saw the last thing that I was hoping to see.


I looked down at my feet as I stepped into the blood. I bent down and touched the dark maroon spot lying right in front of me. As my finger made contact with the spot it turned a brighter red color, letting me know the blood was fresh, and about 3 hours old. I stood up with my gun in my hand and walked into the apartment. I looked around and nothing seemed out of place except for one thing.... Kourtney was missing.

I took the gun and knocked over a vase near the door as I screamed and ran out of the apartment. I jumped into my car and backed up running into the cars that were behind me earlier as one of them honked. The woman I pointed my gun at stayed in her now wrecked car, as a man behind her stepped out and started yelling and running my way. I pulled my gun out and raised my window down. When he was close enough I shot him square in the center of his forehead as his now lifeless body hit the ground.

I pulled my phone out to call my Bruno, but it seems he beat me to it. "Aye.. Cousin how are you?"

"Bruno where the fuck is she." I heard him go quiet on the other line.

"Uh. Ha. Cousin, what are you talking about."

"Stop the fucking games. I know where you are and I'm on my way there now. Don't think about leaving because I will find you and blow your fucking brains out, and send your head in a box to your mother."

'Huh.. I'm sorry Cousin... She's dead."


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