Chapter 13

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End of last chapter*
I pulled into the apartment complex and turned down Rylee's row. I glanced up to the door before turning under the little parking garages out front, when I noticed it was slightly ajar. I stopped the car where it was blocking 2 other people behind me form pulling in and jumped out. I didn't care that I was covered in blood from killing 2 most recent body guards for not doing their jobs right.
The car that was behind me started to honk as I pulled my gun out of my waist and pointed it towards the car. When they noticed what I had they moved both hands away from the steering wheel as their eyes got wide. I ran over to the stairs and ran up to Rylee's apartment. When I got to the door I saw the last thing that I was hoping to see.
I looked down at my feet as I stepped into the blood. I bent down and touched the dark maroon spot lying right in front of me. As my finger made contact with the spot it turned a brighter red color, letting me know the blood was fresh, and about 3 hours old. I stood up with my gun in my hand and walked into the apartment. I looked around and nothing seemed out of place except for one thing.... Kourtney was missing.
I took the gun and knocked over a vase near the door as I screamed and ran out of the apartment. I jumped into my car and backed up running into the cars that were behind me earlier as one of them honked. The woman I pointed my gun at stayed in her now wrecked car, as a man behind her stepped out and started yelling and running my way. I pulled my gun out and raised my window down. When he was close enough I shot him square in the center of his forehead as his now lifeless body hit the ground.
I pulled my phone out to call my Bruno, but it seems he beat me to it. "Aye.. Cousin how are you?"
"Bruno where the fuck is she." I heard him go quiet on the other line.
"Uh. Ha. Cousin, what are you talking about."
"Stop the fucking games. I know where you are and I'm on my way there now. Don't think about leaving because I will find you and blow your fucking brains out, and send your head in a box to your mother."
'Huh.. I'm sorry Cousin... She's dead."
Bruno POV:
I turned and looked at Kourtney lying on the stretcher as Cristiano ranted on with death threats I'm sure would never come. I chuckled to myself before hanging the phone up. Turning it completely off, I dropped it on the ground, taking the base of my shoe and stomping the phone to pieces.
I walked over to her and grazed my fingers gently against her cheeks. She was practically dead. Her lips were turning a bright purple color, and were begining to chap. The thick mane of hair atop her head was tangled, a few scraggily pieces falling in her face. Her once carmel brown skin, that resembled Gabriel Unions complexion, was pale now, making her look like a souless corpse. I pulled the hopsital gown she was wearing up, slowly running my fingers across the surgical cut that took up a fourth of her stomach. I took two finger and pressed down on the stitched incision that stretched across her flat stomach. Her head jerked in pain, as her blood pooled at the tip of my finger. Her eyes shot open, a deep monotone growl emerging from her throat as she shut her eyes in pain. She reminded me of a kid about to get a shot, but had shut their eyes so they couldn't see.
I snickered lowly to myself, her blood pooling at the tips of my fingers. I opened my mouth and slowly sucked the blood from my fingers.
Sometimes I question myself. Ask myself why I am who I am. From a young age I was always obsessed with unnatural things. Death, blood, pain. I thought it was just a stage I would eventually grow out of.
At the age of 18 it exceeded to a different level, I killed my first man.
Why? I don't know. I just felt like it.

"Mm. You taste as good as you look," I laughed aloud. "You probably think I'm crazy. I am sweetheart. I've killed men in front of their families, but sadly the kids and the wife go shortly after. nessun testimone lasciato."
"You are a witness to a very bad crime being committed right at the moment. Actually, you are the crime. Ever heard of a mule? I'm sure you have. You will get a passport and a plane ticket, and you will deliver some, lets say, very important things to a very special friend of mine in Congo. When you get there, people will be waiting to take you to your destination." I placed my hand on her forehead, "Do not try to run or I will order them to kill you where you stand, and leave you for the wolves.... Got it?"
She seemed to understand but the pain she was in made it hard to concentrate. I decided to help her out and take away some of the pain. I took the tip of my gun and ran it slowly along the side of her face. "Shh," I took the butt of my gun and hit her in the temple, her head bouncing back before being completely still. "That's better."

3 days later* - Kourtney POV:

"ha lasciato il buisness alcuni anni fa."
"capo ha detto hes una disgrazia per la famiglia, ma mamma la ama ancora."
"zitto e proseguire. svegliarla. quasi non c'erano."
I felt hands wrapped around my shoulders shaking me forcefully. My body jerked forward, coming into contact with an impenetrable surface.


That's all I could see. A bright yellow light appearing, and then dissapering just to reappear again.

"H-help. Please." I flailed my arms in all direction trying to grab something or someone. "Cristiano...."

"No darling. Were long gone from where he is at." I felt a strong hand grope my breast. I couldn't stop it. Everything was a blur.

The last thing I felt before blacking out again, I was being dragged out of wherever I was at.

Cristiano point of view*

"Put her on the phone Bruno. I can hear her." I clenched my jaw shut, punching the nearest thing, dry wall flying everywhere.

"Cousin.. I'm sorry I can't do that. A deals a deal."

I heard male laughter in the background, her soft voice crying out for help. "I swear if you touch her-"

"I already have. I'll tell you one thing about her. She loves Italian. Ha!"

"You fucking bastard. When I find you I'm going to-"

"Cousin.. Let's not go through this again. Your not gonna do anything because your never gonna find me... Or Kourtney."

HEY GUYS!! I'm so sorry it's been so long. I know you guys are probably pissed with me and I don't blame you. I was gone for over 6 months. Hopefully you can find it in your Heart to forgive me. I hope you enjoy this new chapter! It's just a little something to give you guys since I've been gone for so long.

As always Rate, comment, follow

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