Chapter 16

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We slept together.

But in the most literal and innocent sense of the word. When I touched Lauren's skin underneath her shirt, there was an undeniable desire between us. But then that touching soon turned to tickling until we were both laughing so hard that the need was gone. But I didn't care. All that mattered was Lauren staying beside me after all the shit we've been through.

I looked to the sleeping goddess beside me. She was lying face down on the bed. The blanket was wrapped around her shoulders so I could only see her face. She looked so peaceful and calm like she didn't have a care in the world. This was the Lauren I wanted to protect.

She shuffled a little bit and put her hand on my chest. I was watching her hand rise and fall to the sound of my breathing when Lauren moved closer to me and snuggled her face to my neck. I grabbed her hand on my chest and intertwined our fingers together. We were doing the little things that spoke volumes about how much we loved each other.

She finally lift her head up from my neck and rested it on my chest. I smiled as I saw her eyes flutter open and look into mine. God, even sleepy, she looked beautiful.

"Morning," I said. She responded with a groan and a gentle smile. "Are you going to lift your head from my chest?" She shook her head and stuck her tongue out to prove her point. This girl was just too cute for her own good.

"I thought you'd be gone when I woke up," she said in her sleepy voice.

I furrowed my brows and lift our intertwined hands to kiss hers. "Why would you think that?"

She pouted at me and I swear if she doesn't stop being cute, I'm going to kiss and tickle her again. "I just—I don't know. I guess I just thought you weren't the kind of guy to stay the morning after."

"Morning after? But we didn't—"

"You know what I mean!" she said as I saw a blush creep up her cheeks. She moved her face from my chest and buried it on the bed. I laughed at the sight. It was amusing how awkward she was being when it came to the two of us. Maybe she's still afraid of what being with me is like. And I don't blame her because I'm afraid of our future too. But what's important is right now. And right now, the most important thing was the girl in front of me.

I pushed away the hair covering her face and kissed her on the cheek. She turned to look at me and the moment our gazes found each other, I smiled down at her. "There's nowhere I'd rather be every day of my life than with the girl I love."

The moment a smile appeared on her face, I couldn't hold back anymore and lowered my head to kiss her. But she suddenly pushed me away which left me confused on why she would reject me like that.

"Can't. Not now. I have morning breath," she said in a whisper.

I can't stop the laugh that escaped my lips. "Lauren, I've wanted to kiss you since the first time I saw you. Do you honestly think I care about morning breath?"

I don't let her answer and kiss her again. I can feel her smile against my lips but it only lasted for a moment because she was already kissing me back. She moaned against me and this time, I'm the one who opened up for her. She was more aggressive now and couldn't seem to get enough of me. I lifted up her shirt and began to continue what I was doing last night. I needed more of her and coupled with the fact that she also had her hands under my shirt, I knew she wanted more of me too. I slowly made my way up her torso inching closer and closer to her chest—when she let out a small squeal.

The fucking phone in my pocket was vibrating. Damn it.

"That scared me," she said in a huff.

I pulled it out and saw that I received a message from Uncle Rob.

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