Chapter 17

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"What do you mean you haven't asked her to be your girlfriend yet?"

"Shh!" I said as I covered Uncle Rob's mouth. We were in LA right now since the girls needed to get one last rehearsal down before they went home in two days. We were just outside the rehearsal room and at the very hallway where I told him about my relationship with Lauren. Since that night at the bus, I've been thinking about ways to make my relationship with Lauren official. The fans' reactions to our relationship were not what I expected at all. There were still some hate but most of them were supportive of us and I knew it made Lauren happy. She really did value their fans so much.

I was trying to plan the perfect first date for Lauren but I needed some help. I really wasn't the romantic type and I tended to do things the way I want but I wanted it to be a date that Lauren enjoyed. I even googled how to have a romantic first date but I needed someone else's opinion. And thus, my second hallway meeting with my Uncle.

"Not so loud, Uncle Rob! It's called a secret for a reason, you know."

"So you guys aren't together?"

"No, I told you, we're together."

"But you haven't asked her to be your girlfriend?"

I groaned as my Uncle stabbed me with my own stupidity. "That's why I want to take her on a date and that's when I'll ask her. But I don't know what to do and that's why I'm asking you for your opinion."

"Dinner and a movie ain't enough for you?"

"No, I want something more original and sweet. Something big that she would undoubtedly love me for."

"Are you trying to propose to her?" he said with a chuckle.

"Be more serious, Uncle Rob! This is a matter of life or death."

"Look, Y/N. I think you're going at this from a wrong point of view. I've seen how Lauren looks at you and believe me when I say that girl is madly in love with you. And I think no matter what you do, as long as your feelings are in the right place, she would appreciate it. So you don't have to try so hard because she didn't fall in love with a sappy, romantic boy—she fell in love with you."

"But I still want to impress her," I cried out.

"Then impress her. But without changing who you really are or pretending to be someone you're not," he said.

But that was just the thing. Who I am is a confused guy who didn't know a thing about romance. I honestly don't know how I even managed to get a girlfriend in the first place. If we're going by not changing who I am, then I would just bring Lauren to the alcove and ask her there. But we were in LA and I didn't know anyone I—wait, that's it! It was like a light bulb suddenly flashed above my head.

I knew the perfect person who could help me.


Saying 'this was not what I expected' was an understatement. It was more like, 'how the fuck did this happen?' Yeah, that's more like it. So—

How the fuck did this happen?

I was standing in front of the Four Seasons hotel, lost and completely unable to move. I called Robert, the guy I met on the flight from Miami, and told him I needed his help. He told me he was going to send a car to where I was to pick me up. After a few minutes, a limousine pulled up on the lot with the driver looking for me. And now here I was in front of one of the most luxurious hotels not only in LA but the whole world.

A man in a suit walked towards me and introduced himself. He asked me to follow him inside the hotel. The inside was just as overwhelming as the outside. People walked around the lobby and I felt severely under-dressed. The man ushered me towards an elevator as he took a key out of his pocket. He put it in a keyhole inside the elevator. As soon as he turned it, a green button lit up and he pressed it. We went up without stopping at any other floor until our destination. The moment the elevator doors opened, he lead me down a long hallway with a pair of glass double doors at the end. He opened it and motioned for me to come inside.

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