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•••Pains Me To Say It But•••

She wasn't sure but it looked like Mizune could hear her heart hammering beneath her chest. 'Or is it obvious?' Yami thought, looking down at her chest. Which was wildly pulsing. She held it with both hands but the thumping was too strong even her hands were throbbing.

 She held it with both hands but the thumping was too strong even her hands were throbbing

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"Are you alright? Do you have heart problems?" Mizune questioned with furrowed brows. Not sure whether to watch Yami's heart pounding out of her chest.

"Iye! I'm fine." Yami shakily smiled, averting her gaze.

"Okay, I'll let you rest. You can answer the question later." Mizune strode past her, heading towards the girls to cease their brawl.

Yami frowned and clenched her fists. "I--!" She shouted, whirling to the tealette, Who halted and looked over her shoulder, the others stopped to stare at Yami. "Auditioned for this team because I'd like some revenge!"

Their eyes widened while Yami had hers shut as pink painted her cheeks. She opened her eyes but cast them down to the glossy floor, as if it was reflecting the memories flashing in her head. "A close friend of mine.. left our middle school team to join a team to enter the UWB middle school edition. She left to her home country without as much of a 'bye'," Yami paused to take the weight off her chest by deeply inhaling then exhaling. "When she came to Japan, it was because her team was going to fight the team that represents Asia. I talked to her and... she said some pretty bad stuff that humiliated me and our team in front of hers. I wasn't going to tell the others about what she said but they were behind me the whole time."

Yami sniffled and forced the tears blurring her sight to suck themselves back in her tear sac. "So, because of th-that the others quit and I was going to but they encouraged me not to. Saying that if someone was going to fight for us, it's me. They couldn't pick themselves up instantly after what Ameru said. But I did. That's half the reason why."

"What's the other half, then?" Kuki asked, receiving a head slap from Sasha.

"The other half is because it's a privilege to fight for a team that fights for its members and plays together side-by-side, no matter what."

Mizune lowered her gaze in shame, heart throbbing in guilt. '... plays together side-by-side, no matter what, huh?'  She thought, bitterly.

Yami noticed the lachrymose in Mizune's dark blue eyes. "Ah! I didn't mean to point out to you and remind you about the finals in the middle school edition two years ago." She quickly said, they flinched. "You were there, right? When your team was slaughtered..."

"Wow, geez. Couldn't made us more miserable, yeah?" Rai snapped.

"Gomennasai.." Yami sheepishly scratched her head and regarded Mizune, "It's unlike you to just sit on the sidelines so you must have a reason for it. That's why you're going back, right? To redeem yourself to and for your team? I want to do that, too! So, let me fight with and for you!"

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