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Hey my minties! Its Shan... So recently I haven't been updating this book, and that is because I have been trying to balance "The boy next door" and this book as well, but it didn't work out. So, I will just finish The Boy Next Door... Now, I'm not discontinuing this book like I have with my other books, I am simply just taking a break until I finish my other book... I just feel it overwhelming to update each book every time... But I understand that you guys want me to update, but you will have to wait... I hope you guys understand and if you want YOUR ideas to be featured in my future books/short stories, then I will post a message on the conversation tab! When I am finished with the two books, I will take your guys's ideas and turn them into a book! Remember, it will take time to update this book and get to your guys's ideas, but just bare with me! Thanks! I love you guys😘

-Shan ❤️

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