Chapter 4: First Time

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2 weeks later///
As I patiently wait for the mail truck to come, (since it was Sunday) I was dreaming about all the characteristics Marcus could have... After what I've read, he sounds like an interesting person, I know one day I'll get to meet him... Then the door bell rang, I immediately jumped out of bed and opened the door, to just reveal my friend Amber....

Amber: Woah! Are you expecting someone else?

Mona: Haha yeah, just the mail to arrive....

Amber: Since when are you excited for mail?

Mona: Uh...

Amber: Haha I'm just kidding...

Mona: oh okay... Anyways what are you doing here?

Amber: Just came by to hang or something since I'm not doing anything today...

Mona: Uh sure...

Amber: Cool!

Then the mail truck came from behind Amber...

Amber: What are you looking at??

I pushed Amber out of the way, but I didn't mean to...

Mona: Thank you so much sir

Mailman: Anytime

Amber: Um, aren't you going to say sorry??

Mona: Oh! Sorry Amber...

Amber: What is up with you and letters now? Oooooo, I think I know...

Mona: What?

Amber: Are you SECRETLY dating someone??

Mona: Oh god no!

Amber: So then, why are you always checking the mailbox every frickin 5 minutes? And you know that I live right across from you, so its easy for me to see-

Mona: Ugh, fine! Ive just been sending letters to a guy...

Amber: Who?

Mona: Marcus Gunnarsen...

Amber: And where exactly does he live?

Mona: He may or may not be living in Norway...

Amber: So wait, are telling me... That you befriended a guy from Norway?

Mona: Yes! I'm not kidding! I even have other letters he gave me!

Amber: Sureeee, you really think I would believe any of this crap? I'm out!

She nudged me out of the way and and gave me a look, but I didn't really care or mind... She was kinda my friend but not BEST FRIEND if she doesn't want to support me... I quickly opened the envelope and it had a big heart drawn on it... I read it aloud...

"Dear Mona,

Thanks so much for writing back! It really does mean a lot! I really hope we get to meet soon... Anyways, I want to learn more about you, like your hobbies, favorite food, favorite color and stuff like that! And we should call each other sometime... If you want to facetime, heres my number, 886-345-8731... I truly want to see you so much, even though we just met, I still want to see you... I bet you look as beautiful as the moon. Anyways, call me anytime :)



When I saw his number on the paper, my jaw dropped. I quickly grabbed my phone and started to create his contact... I was thinking about putting a heart next to his name, but screw it. I started to text him...

Me: Hey Marcus! This is Mona, the girl that sends you letters ALL THE TIME... I just got your letter and we can probably text each other from now on, if you want :)

I patiently waited for his response... Then, it said "Read at 3:32pm" And soon enough, he replied...

Dear, Marcus [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now