6 - Tony (cut)

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"Never have I ever not noticed that my panties were showing", Tony laughed at you.

Embarrassed you took a sip of your vodka. Steve grinned at you with a slight red shade on his cheeks.

You were cleaning the kitchen as Tony walked in. Your shorts didn't stay on your hips. So your pink panties were showing and Tony had an exciting moment, finding you like this.

He was teasing you all the time. Even now he couldn't resist blaming you because of it. You shot a pissed look at Tony.

"Never have I ever been caught while touching myself", you grinned at Tony.

Now he was the one who was pissed.
Everyone stared at Tony in amusement. He took a sip of vodka.

"Kitten, you don't even know what you brought to yourself with teasing me the whole time. This is my game. I am supposed to be the mean one"

Everyone laughed. You caught him once. You were new. You didn't know where the kitchen was so you wanted to ask Tony. And then you walked in...

"You enjoyed it", Tony said.

You just smiled at him.

Oh yes. It wasn't ugly to look at him. How his body moved. Covered in sweat. You stood there in the door for a while before he noticed you.

Since then you were weirdly attracted to him. You liked how he was teasing you the whole time. How he called you babe sometimes. But you were too shy. And he was a quiet a bit older than you. This is strange.

After some hours and horribly embarrassing secrets, you decided to leave the game.

You walked down the corridors. A bit unsteady because of the alcohol. You decided to drink some milk. You reached the kitchen and jumped as you saw a silhouette standing in front of you.


"I've been waiting for you", Tony said with a husky voice.

"How are you not drunk?", you asked teasingly.

"Oh, I stand alot of alcohol."

He smirked at you.

"Why did you wait for me?"

"I think there is an unspoken thing between us"

You looked at him with big eyes.

He was so close. It was nearly uncomfortable. But you enjoyed it.

You bit your lip. Then you stepped a bit closer. Your face not far away from Tony's. He swallowed.

"Biting your lip huh?", he smiled.


"That's a hidden message"

And with this sentence he locked his lips to yours. His hands ran over your body. He pulled you closer. The kiss turned more and more passionated.

He broke the kiss and looked at you.

"I waited for this to happen"...

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