Chapter 1// Plane crash.

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Hello lovelies and welcome back hope you enjoy my story as if officially starts in this chapter.

Chapter 1// plane crash

The day my father dreamt about had come the war had become increasingly violent and now we were being evacuated. And by we I mean me and the boys, my father was able to convince the headmaster to allow me to accompany them.

"I want to you remain strong and keep these boys in check" my father smiled as we stood by the plane. "Promise me something Bella"

"Anything father"

"Keep then in check" he pulled me into a tight hug " you such a brave and beautiful girl, and your mother would be proud" I felt a tear run down my cheek "I'll see you soon" my father waved as I climbed onto the plane.

But the truth is I may never see him again and that thought was almost unbearable.

"I love you father" I shouted as I entered the plane. Most of the boys were already seated as I found my way to my allocated seat.

"Hello pretty lady" grinned jack as I found my seat. Him and Ralph sat next to one another both grinning at me widely.

"Oh joy I'm stuck with you two" I joked placing my bag into the upper head compartment then seating myself between them.

The pilots voice flew through the plane announcing are take off and the plane lifted into the air at great speed.

"So Bella how do you feel leaving your father behind? " asked Jack

"Jack I'm sure she'd rather not talk about that" moaned Ralph smiling at my.

"It's okay" I said "is hard knowing I may never see him again" I felt another tear escape my eye which Ralph wiped away with the sleeve of his uniform. Neither Jack nor Ralph had parents so they couldn't imagine how I felt. For the most of the ride we chatted about school and what we were going to do when we reached are destination.

It had to have been about 5 or 6 hours into the journey when I needed the toilet so I headed for the loo at the back of the plane. It felt good to get some alone time as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

My brown hair was pulled back in two French plaits and my hazel eyes had bags under from the lack of sleep last night. I had never considered myself pretty but my father had told me that any guy should be lucky to have a girl as beautiful as me.

He also said I looked just like my mother and I agreed you could tell I was her daughter, her only daughter. I sat for a while fiddling with my mothers necklace when there was a sudden jolt. Then another this one was more violent.

I was about to open the bathroom door when I was thrown back by an unexpected force I flew into the wall hitting my head hard.

"Ow crap" I said trying to stand up before being thrown down again. The plane was shacking fiercely and I could hear screams and shout from the boys.

I tried to open the door but it was being blocked by something in the other side I began to panic and yelled but no one came.

I felt another jolt and the door flew open I was about to step out when I was the floor split and the plane crack in two. I watched in despair as the boys all fell out of the plane and into the sea below.

I stood clinging onto the door frame when a case came flying towards me causing my to jump back into the toilet and to my terror the door was jammed shit once again.

I felt the plane descending at great speed and with another vicious jolt I was thrown against the sink and hit my head so hard I blacked out.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed because I'm so excited to write the rest as I love LOTF so much.

Please tell me what you think and vote if you enjoyed xxx

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