Chapter 3// Conch

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Hello lovelies quick reminder that this chapter will be from Ralph's view yet again.



It means so much.

Chapter 3// Conch

It was an unexpectedly hot morning and some of the boys had removed their coats and shirts. This morning I was woke by Simon who told me he'd found water and luckily it was drinkable.

We all dived into the cool water and drank until we couldn't anymore. Jack had gone to explore the island more along with some of the older boys whereas me and piggy stood at the seas end with the littlunds and Simon relaxing in the shade.

Me and piggy we're chatting lightly when he rushed into the sea retrieving a big shell.

"What is it?" I asked curiously,

"It's a conch, my granny used to have one" he inspected the shell "she said if there was a hole here you could really blow it like a trumpet" I took the conch from piggy and blew gently.

A weird noise came out a bit like a wet fart I tried again and this time a clear, loud noise cane from the shell. A few moments later the boys came running from different directions towards where Simon and the littlunds sat. We joined them and while everyone crowded around I began to talk.

"Right we need to sort out what we're going to do, first we needed water now we've got that we need food and shelter" I paused to see everyone's eyes focused on me. "I also think we should have some sort of signal like a fire"

"Can I have the conch?"asked Jack. I handed him the conch "yeah Ralph's right we need a fire"

"Sir are you the leader?" Asked a littlun to jack.

"No it should be Ralph" someone argued,

"But Jacks the oldest"

"Ralph found the conch"

"Yeah it should be Ralph" they said.

"I guess you just won the election" chuckled Jack.

"It doesn't matter who's in charge what matters is we stick together and right now we need shelters" I said.

Quickly everyone began collecting vines, wood and fallen branches and gathering them together in small hut like shelters. I was working on one alone when I heard jack and piggy arguing. 

"What we don't need is negative people trying to scare people" stumbled Piggy in defence,

"What we don't need is you shitbrain" jack laughed.

"Hey just shut it" I butted in. Jack shrugged and him and Roger shared a devilish smirk. I turned to Piggy,

"Hey it's just because you're new" I soothed. Piggy shrugged and made a comment under his breath which I didn't hear.


We sang as we heaved branches up to the cliff top ready to build a fire signal. I ordered the boys to place the branches in s certain way and Jack began to try and light the fire with two stones.

"Shit!" He cursed as the stones slide over each other with no sign of fire.

"Let me have a go" I said,

"No I got it, shit motherfuc"

"Swearing won't help" moaned piggy. Jack shot up quickly pushing Piggy aggressively.

"Just shut up miss piggy tits" he spat.

"Hey Jack" just then I spotted Piggy's glasses "Piggy let me borrow your glasses for a second" I said taking the glasses from piggy.

"Please Ralph give them back" he pleaded as I held his glasses over the dry wood the sun shone through them and before we knew it the wood was alight. The boys sang and cheered as we danced around the fire well everyone but Piggy.

Suddenly the fire began spreading along the grass and onto the tree nearby.

"Quick stamp  on it boys" I called. They obeyed and we all stamped frantically onto the dying fire.

Piggy gave me a knowing look through his dirty glasses.


Later that night we all crowded around a smaller fire and began chatting Jack over baring all other voices with his talk of hunting pigs we'd found roaming the island.

I glanced over to see Simon sat next to the captain , who was still unconscious with a bad fever, he sent me a small smile before turning away from the big crowd.

That night I slept restlessly something felt off like something or somebody was missing but with the lack of water and being in the sun all day I assumed I was just being paranoid.


The next morning I found myself walking down the shore with jack. I was complaining about people not working hard enough but he assured me to relax.

"Just relax, we have no grown ups, no academy, no parents, no girls though I wouldn't mine a bit every now and then" he said

"Like you ever got any" I laughed before he tackled me which I got him back for.

We were both laughing in the sand when we heard Sam and Eric shouting my name. Quickly we both ran over and there she lay unconscious, Bella!

Thanks for reading xxx

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