Chapter 8- Wilderness

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So I've had a lot of requests for new chapters so here you go, it has been hard to get back into writing this story so I'm sorry if the following chapters aren't as good. 🤙🏼🥰

Chapter 8-

Days had past since my night with ( name of who you chose😉) I still wasn't sure what it meant but I couldn't keep that wild and free feeling from my mind.
I sat on the sand beside Simon who was playing with some of the younger boys Ralph sat above us in a fallen tree branch inspecting the conch, while piggy chattered endlessly about the rising heat. I hadn't seen Jack since yesterday as he and some of the other boys had taken it into their own hands to explore the jungle, each day they went further and further. It wasn't until I saw his sandy coloured hair appear between the thick bush that I knew something was up.
He rushed towards the group, I smiled at first but noticing the scowl plastered across his tanned face an eruption of goosebumps rolled over my body. He passed me without even looking down and headed straight for Ralph.
"It's time for this shit to end" he shouted, Ralph confused hoped down from the tree and the two of them stood facing each other.
"What are you on about Jack?" He asked sharply,
"All this stupid fire shit, all this lounging about, there are pigs out there we need a hunting party to go and kill them, we need meat!"
"We've already discusses this Jack we don't have enough people to watch the fire, tend to the huts, forest for berries and go out hunting. We have to prioritise" he said holding the conch tightly in his hands.
"I agree! And I'm prioritising meat over that stupid fire of yours, no point in being rescued if we're all dead!" Jacks harsh tone and mention of death started to scare the younger boys, I took Simons hand to reassure him,
"Jack please not in front of the younger boys you're scaring them!"
"There's no need to be scared this island is full of pigs and fresh water we can live here, have fun, explore there's no need for all the rules"
"The rules are what will keep us alive, the conch is a symbol of democracy"
"TO HELL WITH YOU'RE FUCKING CONCH" yelled Jack pushing Ralph back onto the sand below, he rose to his feet quickly retaliating with a swift slap across Jacks face,
"Stop!" I yelled standing between them "fighting isn't going to solve anything."
"So you're taking his side" the both said in bitter unison.
"I'm not taking anyone's side. The most important thing is to stay together we can't have divides I'm the group, for everyone's sake"
"To hell with that" cried Jack turning to the group of boys now gathering "listen here me and Roger are going to hunt those pigs any boy who wishes to join us is free to do so"
There was a moments silence before a few of the older boys stepped forward Jack turned to me saying "And you?" I looked at Ralph then at the younger boys who remained on the sandy floor, then back to Jack.
"You have enough for your hunting party I should stay and look after the younger ones"
"Suit yourself" he said taking of down the beach with his posey following.
Ralph came to my side brushing his hand against my subconsciously,
"You made the right decision, we need to stick together."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to leave a star and a comment xx

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