Chapter 5// Reunited

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This pic made me laugh lol 😂
Hope everyone is well no if you're enjoying this story please go check out my others. Sorry the chapters have been rather short I promise they will get longer.

Chapter 5// Reunited

"It's been nearly a day and she's not woken up"

"I know but we can't give up you and I both know she's a fighter, we just have to wait Jack"

Jack??? Wait a second!

I sat up unexpectedly and my eyes flew open there sat in front of me was Ralph and next to him Jack.

"Ralph" I asked my voice sounding raspy.

"Bella!" He smile glancing over at Jack who sat wide eyed. "How are you feeling?" Asked Ralph placing a hand on my forehead.

"I feel alright" I said staring in disbelief "is it really you?" Ralph nodded and I pulled him into a tight hug. I hadn't noticed until now that both him and jack had stripped down to their pants and were both shirtless.

I felt my cheeks burn red and I suddenly felt really uncomfortable as I let go of Ralph bare body.

"Wait how did you guys survive?" I spluttered quickly.

"We we're going to ask you the same thing" spoke Jack.

"Is everyone else alright?"

"Everyone's fine" assured Ralph smiling wildly.

Just then a small voice appeared from the entrance of the small hut we sat in.

"Is she awake yet?" It came.

"Simon" I cried crawling out of the shelter and sure enough he stood there over come with shock. I pulled him into a hug and he returned it lovingly.

"Bella I think you should sit back down" came Ralph's voice as him and Jack stood beside me.

"I'm quite alright" I assured him and I was being truthful I felt 100 times better.

"In that case I  should probably tell everyone your awake" he smiled kindly before hurting of towards a group of littlunds who sat on the sand amount them Piggy.

"Good to see your okay" smiled Jack pulling me into a hug causing me to turn red as his body pressed against mine.

Ralph returned with the littlunds who all excitedly hugged me. Piggy awkwardly smiled at me which I returned.

"How about I show you about?" Suggested Ralph. I nodded and he led me off towards a large cliff.

"So how did you survive?" He asked once we'd got away from the others. Out of everyone I felt closest and most comfortable around Ralph he was a natural leader, he was kind and I'd liked him for sometime although I knew we'd never be more than friends so unhurried my feelings and settled with friends.

"I really don't know" I said truthfully "I remembered being stuck in the toilet on the plane then next thing I know I wake up on this island.

"Well I'm glade your okay I don't know what I'd done if anything had happened" he smiled shyly.

We continued to chat until we reached the top of the cliff where three littlunds sat around a small fire.

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