Chapter 4// Lost girl.

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I love this photo so much, just look at these cuties xxx
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Chapter 4// Lost girl.

Bella's POV

My head hurt so much and my limp body felt heavy, I could barely open my eyes but as I squinted against the bright light I took in my surroundings. I noticed the soft sand underneath my body as I slowly sat up.

I noticed the small pile of vomit next to where I had lied and suddenly the memories flashed back all at once. The storm, being stuck in the toilet, the plane crashing, Ralph, Jack, Simon. I had to fine them; if they were alive still, this thought made me sick to the stomach causing me to cough up more sea water.

I saw the dense jungle before me as the palm trees swayed in the heated wind. I carefully stood up nearly stumbling over before making my way towards the jungle. First I needed food and water.

Before long i'd reached a small lake full of fresh water relief washed over me and without a second thought I began to drink from the lake. The water was cool and refreshing and I could feel my body waking up.

Next was food and with the little energy I'd gained from the water I managed to climb a tree and knock down a mango. The sweet mango tasted like heaven and made me feel even better although my headaches stayed.

I continue to walk until the sky began to grown dark and a strike of panic erupted inside me. I needed to sleep but I didn't know who or what was on this island.

So I walked some more until my body became over run with exhaustion and I had to stop under the roots of s huge tree. There I slept restlessly.

I was awoken by the early rising sun and greeted by my splitting headache it seemed to have gotten slightly better from yesterday but it still hurt so much.

I lay still for a moment taking in the canopy it was rather beautiful as I watched the birds up above nesting in the branches, but they weren't like the bird we had back home.

They were big brightly coloured birds with huge wings and an array of colours.

After some time I decided to continue walking in the hopes of finding the others. I crossed through the wilderness looking for another water source as my mouth had grown dry and my head was now burning.

I found a couple of coconuts laying of the floor and was thankful I didn't have to climb to retrieved them as I could feel my body frowning weak again.

I coconut gave me some relief but I knew I needed water and fast.

Just then I felt myself stumbling and my vision began to fade I lent against a rock hoping my energy would come back I needed to keep on going but I couldn't I was to weak.

Suddenly a bush up ahead shook vigorously and I heard a loud grunt followed by a grumble. I know I thought to myself this is it some animal is about to devour me.

By the second my vision was over took by blackness and I could now here the thing getting closer, it was almost as though I could hear voices arguing.

"I didn't do nothin" one said followed by a grumble. Just as I closed my eyes and fell to the floor I saw two familiar faces appear out of the bush. Sam and Eric!

Hi guys thanks for reading I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Please let my know what you think! Xxx

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