Chapter 6// Ralph

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The photo above I took myself lol. Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

I also tried something new in this chapter so you'll be able to make a choice out of jack and Ralph please let me know if it worked and you want me to do more. You'll know what I mean!

Chapter 6// Boys

Later that day I was walking along the beach, I could see some of the littlunds playing in the sand and Ralph and piggy sitting in a nearby rock. I continued to walk up to the cliffs where I saw jack and some other boys.

Jack sat carving into the stone with the survival knife and the other boys sat half naked watching.

"What you doing?" I shouted from the ground.
"Dunno, nothing really" answered jack. He then jumped down so he was standing a few inches from me.
"What are you doing?" He smirked,
"Nothing really, I just came to see what you guys were up to" Jack chuckled under his breath.
"Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go and help Ralph fish" I began to walk away when I felt jack grab my wrist.
"Wouldn't you rather have fun with me?" He said.
"Maybe another time jack but I really should be..."
"Getting back to Ralph I know"
"Sorry jack, I'll see you later okay" jack let go and I headed towards the lower cliffs to find Ralph, the twins and a few other boys fishing.
"Hey guys" I greet climbing down to sit beside Ralph who had taken of his shirt and was now only in underalls.
"Hey Bella what have you been up to?"
"Nothing much I just went to see jack that's all" Ralph face hardened as I mentioned jack.

Just then there was a commotion as one of the boys jabbed his spear into the water. He pulled out a round spiky fish which flapped gasping for air,
"Ew gross" exclamed Sam. There was suddenly a loud slaps in the water and I looked up to see jack, Roger and another tag along throwing rocking into the water where the boys were fishing.
"Hey stop" shouted a boy named Peter. But jack and his minions continued.
"Hey stop it are you crazy?" Yelled Ralph cause jack to stop and storm of.
"I honestly don't understand his problem" complained Ralph. I just shrugged.


Night fell once more and I had curled up in my shelter Ralph had built for me. I was just about to lie down someone clearer their throat.
If you want it to be Ralph continue reading this chapter!
If you want it to be jack skip to the next chapter.
Or you can read both you choose.

It was dark but as the figure came into my shelter I saw it was Ralph.
"Oh hey Ralph" I said blushing slightly.
"Hey" he smiled sitting down beside me. "I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk?" He blushed.
"I'd love to" I say following Ralph into the moonlight.

We walked down to the beach which was washed in moonlight, the sky was clear and the stars shone brightly. I looked over at Ralph who was already looking at me.
"What is it?" I say suddenly feeling self-conscious.
"Nothing you just really pretty" beamed Ralph. Thank god it was took dark to make out my face as it was shadowed by Ralph cause I could feel my cheeks burn bright red.
"Thank you" I say, Ralph then lays down in the sand and gestures me to lay beside him.

I do and we both stare up at the stars in silence, I suddenly feel Ralph's cold hand take hold of mine and a jolt of electricity runs up my arm.

The rest of the night we lay on the beach hand in hand. It was the best night of my life!

Thanks for reading this chapter remember to comment what you think of this new idea and let me know if it worked. Xxxx

Please read- if you chose Ralph and don't want to read jacks skip to chapter 8 as the next chapter is the night with jack if you chose him. Cxx

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