Chapter 7// Jack

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Another one of my photos 😉

So remember this chapter is your night with jack so if you've read Ralph's and don't want to read jack skip to the next chapter. Or you can just read this if you want😂❤️

Chapter 7// Jack

His face was in the shadows but as he came closer I was jack grinning wildly.
"Hey beautiful" he smirked. I rolled my eyes but could feel my cheeks heat up.
"Oh hey stranger" I smiled back,
"I was wondering since we didn't get to spend time together today if you wanted to come for a swim" his smile went from ear to ear and how could I say no.
"Okay let's go" I said.

Jack took my hand as we entered the jungle heading for the water hole. I could feel the tension rising and he rubbed his thumb across my hand. As we arrived at the water hole I suddenly had a thought.
"What am I supposed to swim in?" I said.
"You could always swim naked" winked jack. My heart jumped as he took of his shorts. "Or you could just swim in your underwear like me" he said before jumping into the water. I stood watching him for a moment as he swam in the moonlight.

I stripped down to my pants and bra before joining jack in the water. We swam for hours and only returned to the other as the golden sun rose over the horizon. It was the best night of my life!

So that was your night with jack I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think about this new concept.

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