Mr Finn

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"I never officially said that it was actually for someone else!" he argues.

This class of mine has so much drama!
"Zack cheated on me!" Tomika yells, and I freeze.

"Zack attack? Is that true?" I say, and he nods. I see everyones faces are shocked. We all just thought that Zack said something rude about candy, and that's why Tomika dumped him.

"Esmae and I broke up..." Lawrence says, and I almost got a heart attack.

"But, but no!Lesmae forever?" I say, and he sadly shakes his head.

"I don't know what to say, guys. I'm very disappointed in a few of you, who is named Zack and Freddy, I just can't believe Lesmae broke up and Fremmer," I say," but let's do this one couple at a time...Fremmer. Freddy, why don't you just admit there is someone else?"

Freddy looks at me with disbelief.
"Fine, there is someone else," he admits,"happy?"

"Nope, not really, but you're honest so..." I say.

"I knew it! It's that blond you sit next to in Spanish, isn't it?" Summer says.

Freddy sneaks a quick glance at Tomika. It was so suttle that I almost didn't notice it. I cocked my eyebrow... I have a good feeling about what is going on here.

"It isn't the blond,"Freddy sighs, rolling his eyes.

"Then who is it, Freddy?" Tomika says.

"Why is it so important for you guys to know!?" he says, running his fingers through his hair.

I pick up my backpack. I carry around, and I start eating the candy I inside. Watching these kids fight really works up an appetite.
"Freddy, I just want to know. It would make me feel better," she says, and I start stressing on behalf of Freddy.

"Summer, calm down! I need to work some things out before I can tell anyone, please respect that!" he says, finally cracking.

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