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My mom and I start packing the sweets on the table. Tonight is my Pre-B party because tomorrow I turn 18 years old. I am so mad at the others. My best friend forgot my party, my BOYFRIEND forgot my party! I won't be surprised if they forget my actual birthday tomorrow.

"You should ask Eden to stay," my mother says, and I look over at Eden, who came walking in with her overnight bag and a pillow.
"Nope," I say, opening a bag of popcorn and throwing it into a big bowl.


"No, Eden and I have a deal. She has a habit of ruining things for me and this is my party. I want it to be great!" I whisper yell.

"Maybe if you two just -"

"Mom, are you not listening to me? She is going to go sleep over at the hostel where her friends are tonight, and tomorrow that was the deal," I say, spreading a big fluffy blanket on the floor and scattering pillows over it.
"I'm going!" Eden says.

"Have a great night, Eden!" my mother says.

"Maybe stay forever," I added, and my mom hit me over the head.

I see her roll her eyes and leave.
"Tomika, that was rude. Why would you say that to her? What did she do to you?" my dad says, coming into the fun room.

"She tried to steal my friends and my boyfriend, and did I mention she tried to steal my boyfriend!"

"I'm still getting used to this boyfriend of yours that came out of nowhere," my dad says.

"I know, right?" Elliot says.

"Can you guys just stop!!" I say, falling back on the couch.

"Are the others coming?" my mom asks.

"No, I don't think so," I tell my mom, and she gasps.

"Why not?"

I stare at the clock on the wall, and it reads five o'clock.


When I got to the door, I was greeted by Kale, Esmae, Jamie, Lydia, Georgia, and Tasha. They are a bunch of other girls from school I invited to my party. Jamie, Lydia, Georgia, and Tasha will sadly not stay for the sleepover, but Kale and Esmae will.
"Come on in girls!" I let them in.

We all went to my room and got dressed into our party onzies and went down to the fun room. We started playing a bunch of games. We played twister, Dancing Queen 3 (which Esmae totally won), and we also played this karaoke game, and Kale really gave me a run for my money. She has a great voice. We also played truth or dare, and somehow, we all ended up in the pool, and then we had to get dried. While we were drying, we ate s'mores and made funny videos.
"Guess it's eight. Our parents will be here any second," Tasha says as she takes another bite of her pizza.

"I don't wanna go!" Jamie says, getting off the bar table. I quickly check my phone, and there is no message from the others.

Five min later, my mother came down to tell the others that their parents were here, and they all hugged me and got their stuff. I walked them to the door and I froze when I saw that it wasn't only their parents waiting at the door.

"This is for you," Freddy said from behind the microphone. The whole band was there. Freddy was singing Heaven So Close by We The Kings and Summer wad actually playing the drums.

I was so shocked I couldn't move. They were also performing in their party onzies. They were also drawing a crowd. When they were done, Summer ran up to me while the others were packing away the stuff.

"We're sorry we didn't come sooner, Mr. Finns car broke down, and Zack broke his guitar, and we had to drive very, very far to get the exact same one because he didn't want any other one," Summer says, and I chuckled.

"Forgive us, Tomika, we're sorry," Lawrence says, giving me the sad eyes.
"You're getting better," I say, laughing,"come on in guys," I say, and Freddy puts his arms around me, hugging me.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"I'm sorry I broke your sticks," I say.

"You'll pay me back," he says, and we walk inside.

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