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"emotional help hotline, how may i help you? clementine marsh speaking."

"hi clem, it's gabe."

"ayy, edgy boy!"

Gabe giggled.

"how are you doing?"

"pretty good, tired but yeah. how about you?"

"im doing okay, i guess. do you have any stories to distract me with?"

"oo, stories? i got plenty. for starters, my boss thinks we're dating."

"0h. um, well. im sure one of us wishes that was the case."

"jeez, bro. i just met you a couple of days ago, and you're already falling for yours truly?"

"nah, i was just kiddin' you."

"well, oh. okay. my dad has been forcing me to watch sports, especially baseball."

"wait, really? do you happen to know javier garcia? the shortstop for baltimore?"

"yeah! he's awesome. he's attractive, too."

"i'll agree that my uncle is a good ball player, but im not gonna go along with the attractive thing."

"he's your uncle!?"

"yup, that's mi tio."

"is he the one eloping with your ma?"

"you betcha."

"oof, that won't be good for his career."

"yeah, totally. anyway, i have to get going. you can learn about my dad tomorrow, okay?"

"you got it. see ya, gabe."

"adios clem."

Clementine hung the phone up and sat at her desk, bored. Why was it that her calls with him were the highlight of her day?

A/N: Hopefully you guys are enjoying this, 'cause I feel like the characters a bit OOC. But yeah, thanks for reading ^_^

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