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"im looking for gabe. this is clementine."

"who is this and why are you calling my son's phone?"

"are you gabe's father?"

"yes, yes I am. david garcia. what are you doing, calling my son!?"

"listen, bro. im his friend, just lemme talk to him."

"you better not be some perverted fifty year old."

"i assure you im not. just please give gabe the phone."

"hi clementine, sorry about my dad."

"hey gabe. can you tell your dad to chill out? im sorry for calling on my personal phone, but i wanted to reach you."

"well, you reached me alright. by the way, i spoke to lilly, your co-worker."

"so ive heard. you nearly got her fired."

"oh. oops."

"not funny, gabriel. she needs to work for her father."

"is he dying or something?"

"well, you could say that. he has a horrible heart condition, ischaemic heart disease, and lilly can barely afford the nitroglycerin tablets for it anymore."

"oh. tell her im really sorry, then."

"no, you're going to speak to her yourself."

"what? what do you mean?"

"im going on break tomorrow, you're going on a call with lilly."

"oh shi-"

"bye, gabe."

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