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"emotional help. clem here. hi."

"hi, clementine! it's mariana."

"hi mariana. where's your brother?"

"he's at drew's house for the night, doing boy stuff."

"hm, okay. do you actually need emotional help or...?"

"well im actually pretty lonely, when gabe's not talking to you, i usually hang out with him."

"very well then, im glad you two have a good sibling connection. what are your interests, mariana?"

"i really like chocolate. i guess baseball too, uncle javi taught me how to play."

"chocolate is good; don't you mean softball, by the way?"

"they're basically the same thing. besides, dad forced me to sign up for baseball anyway."

"does gabe play baseball?"

"nah, he's too much of a wuss."

"im not surprised at this. is this drew kid a guy or girl?"

"guy. they've been good friends for awhile now, since they were six i think. i don't really remember. "

"okay, good."

"what? would you be jealous if gabe had another girl in his life?"


"i wont tell him if you do like him."

"i kind of do. expected, right?"

"kind of."

"i can promise you, gabe's a good guy."

"i suppose that's the best thing i can hear."

"somewhat. anyway, clem, i have to go. yaya and pipo are coming over soon. bye, clementine. gabe will be back tomorrow."

"okay, thanks for letting me know. bye mari."


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