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"Clementine Marsh. Hi."

"Hello, Clemmy Cloo the Soo. How are you?"



"That rhyme was disgusting."

"Well sorry. I try to rhyme to win the heart of fair ladies,"

"You didn't rhyme earlier and still managed to win my heart."


"Oh, nothing, Mr. Garcia. Nothing at all..."

"Clem.. Tell me."

"I was merely making a jest, silly boy."

"Well, okay. How are you?"

"I'm struck in love,"

"Yeah, same. She's just so amazing.."

"And he's so amazing. Do you think I should tell him soon?"

"Yeah... Yeah.. I guess so."

"Okay, thanks Gabe. How are things with Javier and Kate?"

"They're hiding it from me, Mari, and Dad. So, I don't know."

"Hm, okay. I think I'm gonna write my letter to the boy now,"

"Okay. Good luck, Clementine..."

"Thanks, Gabesies. Bye."

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