I do believe!

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The plane shook as we flew into the air. I sat beside Jackie who was drawing the plane in fire and our father at the bottom, the only one with no parachute. I giggled a bit but not to much seeing as he seemed a bit mad.
"Your a great drawer, I can really see the fear in his eyes! What's that? Oh! And a great texture too!" I said picking up the drawing from his table acting like I was a judge. He giggled at me and laughed as I said, " I'm probably going to hang this on a refrigerator for everyone to see everyday. "
He went back to his usual mad self as Maggie came over. I showed her the drawing and she instantly wanted to show our dad, which I thought was a great idea.
"Just think of the look on his face seeing as he is already scared. Go easy on him, ok jackie?" I asked .
"Yeah, I'll try." He muttered and started throwing his baseball up and down from the top of the ceiling to catching it.
"Good enough I guess." I muttered back and went to take dad's seat since he was coming this way. He sent a small smile at me and I smiled back seeing how granny compares us a lot on looks but I still can't see how in personality.
I sat near mom and started a conversation about my dancing and fencing.
"So, I never actually knew why you love fencing so much, at first you just said for fun, but I really want to know the real reason." She said to me, I smiled at her and smirked a bit also.
" Ok, I love the adventure, ya know, I loved sword fighting since I was little and granny Wendy was the one to get me to see it in the first place, she always said to me that I would need to be able to defeat a pirate with one swipe like my father once did years ago. "I explained with a small smile on my face.
" Well, she loves you coming over, mostly because you really don't break her most important rule. " Mom said with a small smirk of her own sent my way.
I heard a tell and looked over to see my dad hyperventilating a little and my brother with a small smile on his face giggling a bit.
I sighed and giggled a little to since I know how much my dad hates flying and that just scared the stuffing out of him.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Time skip))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Smudged in a small taxi cab in London was not what I wanted to do first but Maggie was in my lap and Jackie was at my side and that's all I really needed right now to calm down from the slow and boring driving the taxi driver was doing.
Finally we made it to the block where my granny lived and got out with our bags heading to the door.
Jackie tried climbing on the stair rail cover in ice but that was soon shut down because of our dad wanting us to be presentable for the three inside. Even though I really don't care right now to be presentable at all.
As dad rings the doorbell the door was swinged open by an older looking man. "Its snowing!" He yelled and shut the door in our faces that instantly sent Jackie to laugh but it was soon stopped because of him chocking on the piece of him he had in his mouth.
The door swings back open and a lady starts screaming and naming us, she was the nanny hired by granny Wendy so long ago, I may have written to her too.
"Nice to finally meet you, this missy has been writing to all of us all the time!" Liza exclaimed hugging me, jackie, well more like chocking him, and Maggie.
Dad looked at me proudly but a bit confused probably because I could do stuff by myself and I kept in check with Granny Wendy all the time by mail since I don't have a phone.
Tony nibbled at my fingers once again reminding me that I need to feed him soon but stopped walking once I have seen Wendy coming down the stairs with a cane.
"Wendy...." Me and dad whispered together still looking at her as she walked down.
She then came down slowly with a bit of help needed from Liza and dad as I just stayed at the side not needed to help her because she already is ok.
"Peter, Elizabeth...." She's also whispered .
Peter looked at her apologising. "I'm so so sorry, it's been so busy." He tried to explain but was cut off by her hugging him and talking about its almost been even years since apart from visits or something.
She looked at me and gasped as I smirked at her.
"You've gotten so pretty, you look just like you father when he as your age!" she exclaimed patting my cheek softly and looking at me in a daze of happiness.
" I know, how have you be been? " I asked as I hugged her gently .
"As good as anyone here! Oh! Look at you! I've missed you all so much!" She exclaimed once more hugging mom and then Maggie ran up and told her about the play she was in while Jackie tried to say stuff about how important her dedication was to helping those orphans.
I just smiled a bit and shook my head hugging Jackie from behind as she started explaining the rule.
"Ok, so I have a rule that we will go by in this house......no growing up! None of it! Stop that right now!" She said seriously before smiling and then dad started saying how it's too late for that.
Then she asked dad about his terribly important business he was talking about. But Jackie had to cut in explaining it the way dad always does, but now that I think about it, he sounds like something that's on the tip of my tongue.
"Peter.....your a pirate." Wendy said, and that's what it was, it seemed a bit familiar I guess.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Time skip))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

It's bed time for the house as I hurried up stairs to see Wendy waiting at the door looking beautiful in her dress for the event coming up and a bit sad.
"Wendy, you look beautiful, I hope you have a great time, I will try my best to look after Maggie and jackie." I said giving her another one of my famous smirks.
She smiled at me and seemed to think a bit and was about to tell me something but it was interrupted by yelling from my father who seemed to be madder than usual.
Maggie and Jackie ran out and hugged both me and granny Wendy as the door shut. Me and Wendy exchanged looks and got the two to settle down a bit before they are left for the night.
"Elizabeth, can you sing for us, please!" Maggie asked me and have mea puppy dog face. I have in as Wendy watched us as I tucked both in their beds and sat on the ground next to Wendy and started,

They almost dozed off but the door slowly opened waking us all up from the trance I must have put on them.
"You sing so beautifully, but I'm going to need Wendy now so she doesn't miss the most important day of her life." Dad said quietly to us and I got up helping Wendy up with dads help.
" Goodnight my beautiful children, I love you all, we will come back as soon as possible, ok? " dad said as he left with mom and Wendy through the door, I then laid next to Maggie as we fell asleep once again,
not knowing danger is coming soon.

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