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I giggled and made the weather change a bit each time they tried something new to train him and make him shape up.
I made it snow and dad slipped from time to time when it did since he wasn't that used to it, and I hadn't flew yet, wanting to wait instead til my dad actually remembered.
I then walked down the stairs and made it snow around me giggling and going in circles before falling and making a snow Angel next.
I heard a deep familiar chuckle come from Rufio as I did. And looked up at him as he crouched down looking down in my eyes. His eyes seemed like chocolate, beautiful brown, almost black eyes, filled with a bit of joy as he looked around.
I giggled as he crowed loudly and did it with him along with the many boys here.
"So, you come here often?" Rufio asked sitting beside me, then looked like he wanted to kick himself for saying that in the first place.
" I hope to! So do you come here often? " I asked giggling a bit, looking at him curiously. He grinned at me and put his hand on my hand. I could feel some sort of electric feeling on my hand and smiled, loving the feeling, like true happiness was felt by the one touch of a hand. Just as he was about to say something else, all the sudden my dad came in and slide by us down the ice yelling no.
I sat up, snow falling off me and started standing quickly, missing Rufio's disappointed face.

Rufio's POV

She walked down the stairs and started going in circles as it seemed to snow more. Then fell on to a snow pile seeming to make a snow Angel in the area. I chuckled at her and crouched down to her level and looked into her eyes.
Bright green eyes filled with wonder while looking around, her red flaming hair making a halo around her head, her hands, feeling the snow and throwing it in the air, making it seem like it was snowing all over again.
I crowed loudly hearing everyone crow back, and I heard an angel like giggle before a higher pitched crow followed soon after with everyone else, which turned out to be the beautiful Iza's crow.
I thought of the many things I could say as I sat beside her but what came out was this. "So, you come here often?" I asked a bit flirty , but then wanted to take it back instantly , because I sounded stupid for one.
"I hope to! So do you come here often?" She asked back, giggling a bit, the most sweetest sound I've ever heard in my life.
I grinned at her and put my hand on hers, feeling like I would make a move. Electricity ran through my hand as we touched, not painfully, but it made me feel all happy, like happiness suddenly filed me. Just as I was going to ask her for a walk, The old man suddenly came through yelling 'no' and slides through, startling us both and making Iza stand up quickly to go and help him. But just as her hand left my hand , disappointment filled me as I missed her touch instantly.

Rufio love story (Hook, 1991 movie)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ