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I walk past the automatic sliders, bringing me into a cold and big white lobby that was filled with quiet aurora and a small number of people. I dust off the white dress that I decided to wear today as my uniform for my new job. This was my first day here and I was honestly a nervous wreck. It was my first time working in a place like this as I had no prior experience working with people who were diagnosed with mental disorders. 

My previous job was as a scheduler at a local hospital. I usually stay on the phone all day and scheduled people for their doctor appointments for regular checkups that they needed. I then grew tired of the job because of how stressful it was when there were certain people that couldn't fit into the appointment that they wanted to schedule. The utmost slowness that they had over the phone made me lose my mind. 

When I started job searching and applying, most jobs rejected me as they did not need me or I wasn't what they were looking for. Then there were jobs that were favored in food service, which I highly avoided. My last stop was a job that serviced people that struggled with various mental disorders. It sounds like more work than my previous job because you work around cleaning after them, checking up on them, making sure they ate, took their medicine, and developed any positive progress. At first, I didn't want to do it.. but when I saw the pay, I personally could not pass that up. 

I walk up to the desk where there is a tan curvy lady sitting behind the computer, and looking through files of patients who currently live here for their wellbeing. She saw my presence and switched over in her chair to give me her full undivided attention.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" she asked politely, her voice was raspy yet it felt smooth at the same time. She put her hands together, looking straight up at me and I gave her a warm smile.

I trailed my eyes all around her face. Her lashes were long and beautiful, and when you look at her you can't help but immediately attach yourself to her eyes which were beautiful honey brown. Her eyes were almond-shaped and whenever she smiled, her wrinkles beside them stood out. She felt like she good be in her late 40s to early 50s by the way she looked, even her hair was thick and curly that had gray strands that ran through. 

I cleared my throat and avert my eyes to my bag to dig through it to obtain my information.

"I'm Cara White, this is my first day here," I said, pulling out my badge and showing it to her. She carefully examined it with a nod and turned to her computer, typing in information. It only took a few minutes for her to find out where my position is going to be held.

"Cara, room 21 A," she says, getting up and leaving the desk. She started heading down the hall, presumably where the room was held at. I began to follow her and look around. Names on each side of an individual door were scribbled on a white board. These rooms represented the patients that were staying here for the time being. Curiously, I wondered how long they stayed here being supervised. No color or privacy was all too much for me yet too little. 

We eventually come to the end of the hall where room 21 A was. On the whiteboard, the name presented was 'Harry Styles'. The woman instantly opened the door and walked in. I followed in accordingly while taking a moment to look around the room until I saw a slim figure dressed in black.

It was a pale man. He had his fingers interlaced together as he was in a daze, staring out the window. His lips stuck together and his hair sprawled over his forehead, looking as if he just woke up. He turned his head over to me slowly, looking right at me with his tired dark green eyes. I gave him a small smile, examining his features. He was an attractive guy with brown curly hair and a jawline perfectly shaped. His genes were too perfect as I stared at him in awe. His facial expression remained blank as he stared back at me before turning his head away from me and looking back outside with his shoulders slumped. 

"Cara this is Harry, Harry is this Cara" she introduced us to one another, "Harry, Cara is going to be your main nurse, she will be helping you out the majority of the time". He looked at her with a slight nod and began to look back at the window. She sighed and brought her attention back to me, directing her head to the side to show me back out into the hallway. 

We both walked out and on her way, she grabbed a clipboard before closing the door behind her. She hugged it to her chest and moved away from the door slightly.

"To give you the rundown, Harry is not much of a talker---well he isn't a talker at all" She started, "He is mute."

I nodded my head in understatement and looked around before I questioned,

"Do you know why he is mute?"

She leaned her back against the wall and sighed, "I'm not exactly sure, I suppose it is from trauma that he has previously experienced" she stated, "I wouldn't know much because I just work at the desk but from what I have heard, because he has been through a lot, he cut off talking"

I don't think I have ever heard someone going mute of traumatic experiences. It was all new to me, but there are so many ways how people cope and deal with things, I can understand this being one of them.

"Here is his schedule and everything you need to know is on the clipboard so" she handed me the clipboard and looked up at me before giving me a soft smile. "If you need me, I will be at the front desk". 

I watched her walk away from me as she headed down the hall to assist other people. I sighed and looked back at the door. 'Harry Styles' I read the name over. My nerves started to kick in and suddenly I felt like I do not know what I was going to do from now on. The training was over a zoom conference call because of how short-staffed this place was, no one could properly train me. 

I straighten myself up and rolled my shoulders back. "I should be fine," I told myself in my head before heading back into the room.

When I walked in, my eyes dart straight at him as my heart came to a slight stop. His blank expression remained as his attention was set back on me with his arm leaned against the window seal. He did not move as he stared with such curious eyes. 

I softly smiled at him and close the door behind me. 

"Let's get started shall we," I say. 

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