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I arrived to work today, still in pain by my cramps that I had the other night. I didn't start my period yet but just in case I have my pads and tampons stocked into my purse.

I walked down the white clean hall yet again until arriving to Harry's door, taking out my keys and unlocking the door. I proceeded to walk into the room and there he was laying in bed, facing himself towards the wall with the normal silence he usually has. I set my stuff down and picked up the clipboard, looking through his schedule for today which was him having to eat breakfast.

I walked out the room, going down to the lunchroom and seeing breakfast laid out on the tables for them. It was just a tiny bit of eggs that was barely cooked and cold sausage. I shook my head and walked back to the room, grabbing my bag and the keys, going back out the my car.  Harry was still in the same position he was when I got there, so he was alright.

I get in my car, quickly buckling up and putting the key in the ignition, driving out. No way was I going to let him eat that food, in my view, no one should be able to eat that. It's just torture. So, while I was out, I went the nearest, a local smoothie shop. I have been here before and their acai bowls were to die for. There was a moment where that was the only thing I had for breakfast a month straight. 

I pulled up to the store, getting out and going inside. The smell of fruits was spread throughout the store and it was absolutely calming. It smelt so good that the hunger that was hiding deep inside my stomach, started buzz inside me. I ordered me two acai bowls and tipped them for their great service. 


When I got back, I grabbed the food and got out. I hurried myself back inside the building and headed straight to his room. When I got there, he was in his favorite spot, in front of the window. He might of heard me walk in because he turns his head to my direction and a blank expression was set on his face.

"Uh, I brought you a smoothie bowl... only because I saw the food in the cafeteria and it looked like trash so here you go" I shrugged, setting the bag in front of him. Surprisingly, a little smile crept up his lips and I swear I saw a small dimple formed, making me mentally scream to myself. He pulled the smoothie bowl out of the bag along with a spoon and slowly dug in. He didn't look disgusted while eating it which made me happy. I accomplished something great. He finally something he could enjoy than whatever they called food. 

Now.. I know it's super weird but I'm the type of girl to just stare at people eating. I can't help it and it is something that I do unintentionally. His jawline just pops out every time when he chews and his fingers were so nice, and again, delicate to look at as he held his spoon. I swear everything of this guy was perfect.

When his movements stopped, I looked up to see him looking at me with an eyebrow raised. I blush and quickly look away, grabbing my smoothie bowl and started to eat it. My staring habits need to be fixed, he probably thinks I am a weirdo.

When I turn back around after a few minutes, he was finished eating and staring back out the window. I grabbed him a water bottle from the fridge and walked over to him, setting it beside him and grabbed the bag, throwing it away in the trash.

I sat down in front of him, looking out to where he was looking at. The view was set with tall buildings, sky with orange and pink colors with the moon setting behind everything. Everything looked nice and it was honestly a beautiful.

"It's a nice view from here" I mumble, looking over at him. He was already looking at me but looked back down, fiddling with his hands.

I grabbed my purse, wanting to grab my phone until I came across one of the notebooks I bought yesterday at the store and the idea hits me. I take it out along with a pencil, setting it on the bench in front of him. He looked over at the book then up at me and I give him a soft smile.

"I was thinking maybe we could communicate off from this notebook, only if you're comfortable with it though" I say, looking down at the book as well.

He stays still for a while, staring down at the notebook before slowly grabbing it along with the pencil and opens up to the first page. He sits up the notebook to his lap and taps on the paper before slowly writing something down on the paper. I never really expected him to come through with it but I'm honestly excited to see what's on his mind. To get to know him a little better than just his illness.

He slowly turns the book around towards me and I read the small words.

'Thank you for the breakfast ' He wrote.

I grin and nod, "no problem, it's my treat" I chuckle, pressing my lips together, thinking of what to say. "So want to tell me about yourself, what do you like?" I question awkwardly. I literally had nothing in mind since this was actually happening and I was trying to think of a few things to say.

He flipped the book back around and started writing again before turning the book, back around.

' I don't really like to do anything except sit in here. '

I nod, leaning back against the wall, looking around the room before back at him. During my time here, I never once saw him around the building or talking to anyone. He stayed to himself this whole time. 

"Where would you usually go before you came here"

'Away from home and somewhere silent, I had this special spot I would usually go to but since I was here, I don't go anymore.'

"And where was that?" I continue to ask, intrigued to learn more about him.

'A spot on the an a empty beach, where no one is at when it's night'

I can imagine him at the beach around this time, sitting in the sand and staring out across the water with a sky like this. The perfect scenery for somewhere to relax and recollect after a long day. It seemed like it was place where anyone belonged. I nodded my head, looking back over at the view, and not saying anything anymore until I felt a poke on my arm. I look over and he shows me the notebook with new writing set in it.

'What about you?'

I look up with him and his dazzling green eyes looked back at me as he waited for me to continue. I smiled at his interest, happy this was turning out well and that I can finally form a connection with him.

"Well I don't usually go anywhere since I help my sister with her twins at home but when I'm alone, I go to my room and draw anything that's in my head" I chuckle, running my hand through my hair. He smiles softly as his dimples started to show.

It kinda feels way better seeing him smile a little more often and this idea of using an notebook to talk to each other was the best idea I came up with.

We continue to conversate a little more and I learn a few things about him. He has just his mom and sister but it was his mom's idea of bringing him here. He used to write songs when he was inspired then and would also used to sing. Writing songs was a way of expressing himself. He had a song book that was his personal diary for whenever he had a feel for something. I asked him if he had it here but he told me he left it at his mother's house in his old room. 

Overall, he sounded like a pretty decent guy and I told him all the stories of my odd niece and nephew and he would smile each time which would warm my heart.

Three pages was already filled up by the time we finished and I had to go. I grabbed my things and looked over at him and waved, he smirked and looked away as I shut the door behind me.


Idk why I was laughing when I wrote her going straight to McDonald's. What is with my life. This isn't the best but it's more writing. Please put this book in your library and vote plus share and comment. Adios.

02/09/18 (February 9, 2018) -update-

I hate this chapter so much now 💀.

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