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Two weeks has passed and it was the same routine every other Friday.

We would sneak out, check our surroundings and explore the city. Harry and I bonded even more through these times and I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to him.

He would tell more of his unique, cheesy old jokes now and then. Sometimes they were actually funny and other times they weren't and they sucked. I'd still laugh at them though.

Right now, we were in my car eating hamburgers that I got us from in and out. Quiet music was playing through the radio and my head was leaning against the window while Harry was concentrated on his burger.

I picked up a fry and plopped it into my mouth. I look around outside, wondering what we could do. Then an idea popped up into my head.

"Wanna go play paintball?" I asked, looking over at him. He furrowed his eyebrows before writing down on the notebook.

"What is that?"

"Oh, I'll show you, it's pretty fun" I smiled before finishing my burger and start driving to the place.

Gear was on, helmet was on and paint gun was in hand. Harry looked over at me and shook his head as I smiled and nodded my head, waving over at him with a thumbs up.

The instructor already went over the rules with us as we entered the playing field playing 1 on 1. When harry and I got here, he instantly protested, writing how he does not know how to play this and will not. Of course I ignored him and still paid to play.

We went out separate ways and I decided to hide behind a wall for the start of the game. When the instructor said we can start now, I leave my spot looking for Harry.

I run around the area but couldn't find him. This was starting to not be fun anymore. Until I saw a paintball shoot ahead and hit a wall in-front of me.

I slowly turn around and then there was Harry, with his paintball gun aimed at me. I gasped and run, hiding behind a wall and start shooting at him.

Don't know how to play my ass

Harry hid behind the wall in front of me and we start shooting back and forth until he stops. I lower my gun slowly and start creeping around the wall before I feel an impact on my back..twice. I slowly turn around and I see Harry waving at me.

"You..." I mumble and lift my gun and shoot him just as many times in chest. He put his hand to his chest and dramatically falls to the ground, laying on the floor in an uncomfortable position. I laugh at him and walk over to him, sticking out my hand for him to grab.

"C'mon Harry" I say with a smile stuck on my face. He still didn't move though as his eyes were still closed and still in his uncomfortable position.

"Harry" I called him, nudging his leg with my foot. I shoot his chest but he still didn't move. This is not fun anymore.


No response.

I frown and get down on my knees, taking off his helmet, I check his forehead and it's fine. What's wrong with him.

Just then his eyes shoot open and he pulls me down with him, taking his paint gun and shoots me in the chest with it.

My eyes widen and I look up at him, a wide wide smile playing his lips as he starts laughing. Laughing.

That laugh is like music to my ears. Him laughing.

He never laughed before until now and it's honestly hard to stay mad at him.

"You...dick" I mumble, still mesmerized by his laugh as my heart starts beating faster than before. He gets up and helps me up with him, I push him back slightly when I get up, playfully rolling my eyes.

"You honestly worried me right there, don't do that" I chuckled, picking up my paintball gun.

"I'm sorry" he mouthed and I smiled even more. We head out to leave, taking off the gear that was on his and handed over to the guy.

"How was it?" He asked, setting the stuff away and turned back to us.

"It was great!" I gave him a thumbs up and Harry copying my motions.

He nodded and waved us goodbye as we walked out the door back into the blazing heat, when is fall going to come?

We walk back to the car and get in, buckling up our seatbelts. Harry grabbed the notebook and started writing.

"You know, you're a cheater" I say, turning over to him. He looked up and quickly erased what he was writing and started writing something else down.

Nooo, you just suck.

"And your mean too!" I exclaimed, turning on the ignition. He snorts, writing something else down.

I'm not mean, I'm just honest ;)

I shake my head, rolling my eyes as I  turned around and start to drive out the parking lot back onto the busy streets.

"Still mean" I mumbled but from the corner of my eye I could see him smiling while looking out the window beside him. He's too cute.

Hmm, cute. He's more than cute to be honest in his physical features but the way he acts is just cute.

I wonder if acted like this before he went mute or was it still harder then. I'm thinking too much.

I keep my attention on the road as we head back to the place, having to sneak back in and avoid people. There was one time we were almost caught but luckily it was the janitor and the janitor never does anything except mope around, listening to music that comes from his beats.

He didn't question anything when we came back with take out in our hands. Yet, I still didn't trust him that much.


We made it back and I parked my car, getting out with Harry and walking back outside. Doing the usual, we check our surroundings to see if anyone was there. There was no one. We quickly jogged over to his room as I quickly unlocked it and walked him. I plopped down the chair and he sat down on his bed.

I looked over at him and he looked back at me, raising his eyebrow.

"I brought my laptop with me, wanna watch a movie?" I asked, slowly taking out, giving him a questioning look.

He grinned and nodded his head, moving over so I could sit next to him. I walked over and sat down, opening up my laptop and went through my movies.

It was either finding dory or wonder woman. Since I didn't exactly like wonder woman that much but loved finding dory, we ended up watching finding dory.

The only reason why I had wonder woman was because my niece loves her and my nephew has a crush on her, so they both love that movie.

We laid back as the laptap sat inbetween us, while we watched the movie in silence.


What a short chapter but atleast I updated ;)

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