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Hours passed by and I'm finished with work. The room was so quiet and cold with Harry, all he did was stare out the window or at me. His eyes were filled with nothing but coldness... yet they were soft expression - just like his hands. I was happy to finally be leaving, after my embarrassing question I couldn't stand being there any longer. I just kept reminding myself about how ignorant I was and that I needed to recollect myself. 

I stepped out of the building with my things in hand and felt the sun beam on my brown skin. The heat hugged around me and my stress started to slither away by a bit. Maybe that was what I needed, some sun to boost my serotonin and refresh me after my shift. The best part was the warm breeze that passed by me, shaking my curls that brushed my neck. I smiled taking it all in before walking across the parking lot to my car.

My car was a deep blue jeep wrangler and I got inside, turning on the ignition. I adjusted myself and left out of the parking lot, finally leaving my new job. Before I made my way home, I made a mental note to make pit stop to Walmart to buy some stuff for the house. I live with my sister and her kids and let me just tell you... my sister is a clean freak. She is always so organized while I'm basically the opposite from her. We always clean our own plates when we have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When we did not do that, she would freak out and go on a lecture, making us watch her clean them. But I mean it's fair so no one would have to clean up after one another. Everything around the house is also labeled and a list of chores are hung around the house. Specifically with different names listed on different dates. 

Now with my sister's kids. I love my niece and nephew, who just turned 7, but the thing is I'm concerned with who they are hanging out with at school. I say this because when my sister was gone and I was watching them, they were in their room playing deep throat by Cupcake, and my  nephew was just causally singing along with no problem.

I asked them if they knew what that means and they just shook their head with innocent smiles displayed on their faces.

I'm genuinely concerned.

I parked my car and got my things, walking into the store. The place was cold as usual and I hated it because I became cold too easily. Probably because I am an anemic of course. 

I pulled a basket from the group and started rolling over through sections.

Soon I got food and appliances for the house and even some movies but while leaving out, there were notebooks stocked up in the front. It was the month of July so already back to school supplies were displayed in front of the store. Curiously, I scrolled my ass over there and took two notebooks, thinking about how I could use them for work. How about then, with the help of these, I can take notes on what I can properly ask and say before messing up like last time. 

I threw them into the basket and made my journey up to the register where I sat my stuff on the counter. I brushed my brown hair behind my ear and dug into my purse for my wallet, retrieving it before looking up and seeing the young cashier staring me down.

He stared with an awe expression, studying my face as he loosely held on to the item scanner. I let out an awkward cough before slightly smiling at them and they apologize, proceeding to check out my items.

"You look familiar" the man spoke up, placing the stuff in a bag and glancing up at me.

I lifted an eyebrow, crossing my arms against my chest. The boy had brown hair that at the tips it was faded blonde, his eyes were a bright blue and facial hair that ran along his jawline. I didn't know who this boy was and I honestly didn't care at the moment. I just wanna go home, get changed out of this dress and go to sleep, like usual.

"Well I never seen you before" I say, pressing my lips into a thin line. They felt chapped, dry, such an uncomfortable feeling. I picked up a chapstick and handed it to him so I could pay for it.

"I can't lay a finger on it, I know I never met you before" he hums, typing in whatever. "30.56"

I take out the exact change from my wallet and handed it over to him. He puts it into the register and handed me my bags, keeping his eyes glued on to me. I give him a small smile and walked out the store.


"How was your first day at the job" My sister, Mandy, asked as she scooped out ice cream into two bowls for the both of us. The twins were at a birthday party so we were free for the next 4 hours.

Mandy is my half sister, my dad's daughter from another woman. She's white, I'm mixed. She has soft brown hair that reaches to her shoulders and beautiful grayish-blue eyes after her mother, who is amazingly nice. While for me, I have dark curly brown hair, caramel like brown skin and brown eyes that were almost black after my amazing mother.

"It was fine, my patient is mute and usually stares out at a window or at me" I shrugged, taking my spoon and scooped into my ice cream, placing the cold deliciousness in my mouth.

"Hm okay, what does he look like?" She asks, grabbing her bowl and sits down next to me, placing the bowl down between her lap as she starts eating hers as well.

I thought about how he looked again. He has gorgeous green eyes, pretty pink lips with lovely dark brown hair that was at his shoulders. He had tatted sleeves on both of his arms and it makes me think about how a silent person could express themselves with the many symbols he had on his arms. By the way, may I add that he has wonderful legs as well.

I told my sister exactly what I had thought of him about his features, while she had a smile form on her lips, leaning her face into her hand.

"Overall, he's a pretty cute guy that has gone through so much in his life" I explained, crossing my legs. She giggled and sat up straight.

"I want to see this guy"

I laughed, shaking my head before getting up, "sorry love but you can't"
I sat before groaning at a sudden cramp.

"It feels someone jabbed a knife into my uterus" I moan, clutching my side as I limp to my room. My sister laughed, waving bye to me as she continued eating her ice cream, going through her phone.

I walk into my room with a sour expression plastered on to my face as I pick out an outfit for tomorrow. My outfit choice was blue jeans, a red top and a white adidas jacket.

I lay it on my dresser and take out a notebook from the plastic store bag that I threw on the floor, examining it as I put it in my work bag and changed into my pajamas, getting into bed.

Mute | Harry Styles (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now