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He clenched down on his jaw, flexing it as he was still staring up at me. I awkwardly stood there before turning away and grabbing the clipboard that hung on the wall. I distracted myself by looking down the list and seeing what had to be done on the checklist. I was confused that there was no proper training on what I had to do. All the lady did was show me around and told me what I had to do before leaving right after. The business was small in general. There was not that many people here and barely enough workers. It felt like everyone was left for themselves and had to teach themselves the hard way or their way. 

I shook my head, feeling pretty uneasy and a little nervous about everything. Back on the list, all I had to do right now was to make sure that he takes his medicine and eat. I thought to myself that this shouldn't be too bad as the checklist tells what I needed to do. I place the clipboard back on the hook and cleared my throat.

"Well it looks like you're supposed to take your medicine now" I said, walking over to his medicine cabinet, taking out his pills and then a plastic cup. I filled up the cup with cold water from the sink and soon walked over to him slowly, handing him his two pills and the cup of water. He stared down at it for a while, as his body language gave off an uncomfortable vibe. I was assuming he did not want to take any of his medicine. He glanced back up at me for a split second before lifting up his right hand, taking the two pills from my hand, and wrapping his left around the bottom of the cup. 

His hands brushed against mine as he did that and I had a slight shiver. His hands were cold but soft at the same time, soothing me in a nice way. He had such nice hands that I could last in a feeling like that. I stared at his hands even more and his hands were a pretty decent size. They were slim and delicate, as his veins popped out and were defined under his pale skin. I broke my gaze from them as I converted my gaze back to his face. He took his medicine and down them with water in three gulps. Watching him place the cup back down, I gave him a soft smile before standing up walking over to the kitchen area. 

Now that he took his meds, I knew he needed to eat. I opened the fridge before parting my lips in shock that there was not anything appetizing in here to eat. It was packed with microwave meals and snacks like apple sauce. Is this really what he ate while he was here? It gave off the time I spent in my dorm rooms while I was away from college. When I didn't have time to eat at the dining hall, ramen noodles and frozen meals were my go to before I could go insane from not eating. 

I picked out one of the simple microwave dinners and closed the fridge. Luckily the microwave was only two steps away, so I set the meal inside and timed for 2 mins and 30 seconds. Crossing my arms across my chest, I walked over to the chair across for Styles and sat down slowly. I looked over at him and there he was looking at me, with the same dull expression. It made me feel awkward as I didn't know what to do at first. No words came out of his mouth as he simply just stared at me. I gave him a soft smile and waved at him weirdly before quickly looking away.

When I glanced back at him, he had a soft small smile but only for quick second before he remained back to his natural expression.

The microwave went off and I got up, strolling over and taking the meal out. I placed it on the counter and made sure it was well done before I even served it to him. Tearing the plastic off, the scent of the food hit my nostrils and I disappointed that the smell of the food felt better than the appearance. Walking back over to him, I sat the food on the table in front of him and took my seat again. He frowned slightly, looking down at it. He was probably thinking it was gross, and I didn't blame him. This place had to be cheap for bringing patients a cheap microwave brand and nothing better. On his plate was pees on the side and unseasoned spaghetti. Even though it looked gross, he still had to eat. I still remember the woman telling me he was not an eater and just by looking at him, he was pretty thin.

"Y'know, if you don't eat, you could get a pretty bad stomach ache" I pointed out to him, with his frown still remaining on his face. "It's important that you eat after you take pills, I personally learned that from a show". I felt pretty proud of myself from remembering that as it made me feel smart. Dr. who is here? Dr. white is here.

He pressed his lips together, picking up the fork and started to eat the food in front of him slowly. He looked uncomfortable while he ate, like he wanted to throw up and I felt bad for him but I wanted to help him get through this so there isn't any other way.

As he ate, I took in the room once again. It was a small room. There placed his bed in one corner against the white wall, the kitchenette facing the opposite side, and the table we were sitting at in front of the window. Over by the corner by the door, there was a small flatscreen TV. It was installed into the TV stand and to where no where could remove it unless you had something to unscrew it with. I guess this was to prevent patients from removing the TVs. I pondered to myself and wondered if there was even a use for this TV in this room. 

"Do you watch TV?" I asked, speaking up in his quiet small room we were in. He looked up and looked away back to the window, fiddling with his hands.

No answer as I expected as I sighed, running my teeth over my bottom lip. I leaned back in to my seat as I crossed my legs, steading my gaze back onto him. His eyes were glued to the window as if he was searching for something out there.

"Did you ever thought about talking, have you talked before... do you want to talk?" I asked in all curiosity, a questioning look spread across my face with my hands put together. He looked up at me, pausing for a second as his frown deepens and looks away again. It only took me a second before realizing I shouldn't have asked that. It was such an insensitive question of course he didn't want to talk and of course he had talked before. I was obviously all so new to this "nursing" thing. Mind you actually, I am not even a real nurse, I am more like a helper for patients in the building. Though I guess that is what they would like to title employees who focus around this position. 

I ran my hands over my face in embarrassment before getting up and grabbing his dishes off the table and walking over to the trash can. I threw the stuff away and I grabbed the clipboard and jot a few things down.

Harry Styles' Schedule

He took his pills at 10:00 am

Ate only a little bit on his plate at 10:30 am

And relaxed at his spot at 11:00 am


DISCLAIMER: Nothing about her job and patients like Harry are anything that can be accurate in real life. This is written by someone who has no experience and have little research to real-life situations like this. This book is pure fiction. Fan-fiction. So if the work place seems unrealistic, then this is why lol. 

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