•Chapter 2•

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I wake up the next morning and go down stairs for breakfast. "Leah, mums got work all day so she's asked me to take you to the studio," Noah tells me as I sit down with my bowl of cereal.
"Ok," I smile "What time are we going?"
"Mums already booked your time it's 1 till 2.30."

I run upstairs to brush my teeth and get changed, I throw on a pair at jeans and a short top. "LEAH!!" Noah calls from downs stairs, "IM JUST TAKING SKY TO PLAYGROUP, WONT BE LONG." I hear the door close and I run over to my guitar and practice on the song I'm planning on recording today. Soon Noah is back and we go and get a subway before heading to the studio.

Noah sits out side and I sit in the studio strumming my guitar and singing my heart out. I have my back to the door as I hear it open, assuming it's Noah I carry on. I stop playing half way through to see It's not Noah, it's a boy, he has brown curls and beautiful brown eyes. I look at the time, I've been in the studio 20 minutes too long. "I'm really sorry," I smile "Lost track of time." I get up to leave.
"No," he stops me, "Keep playing, it sounds amazing," he sits opposite me and I play it from the top. I finish playing, "it sounds so good!" He smiles,
"I better get going, it's your practice time now," I pick up my bags.
"You can sit in for our band practice if you want?" I nod and smile.
"Sure, Your in a band?" I ask,
"Yep, we're called The Vamps," he smiles. The name sounds very familiar I ignore it and smile, "I'm Brad by the way," he grins,
"Oh I'm Leah," I reply before 3 more boys walk in.

"Guys, this is Leah," Brad tells the boys "I said she could sit in band practice if that's ok?" The other 3 boys agree. "Leah this is Connor, this is James and this is Tristan," Brad smiles pointing at the other boys.
"Hi," I say to them trying to sound less awkward as possible,
"Hey!" They all reply at once.

They sing around 6 songs and end up recording one of them. Before their time is up Brad tells them about my song which they force me to play again and again.

Around half an hour later we'd recorded my song with me and Brad singing Connor playing bass and James playing guitar and Tristan just watching. I then download the song to my phone before thanking them all and leaving.

"You took your time," Noah says as I meet him at the exit,
"Ye I meet these boys and they helped me record my song," I smile as we exit the building. I reach for my phone to play it for him when I notice it's not there. Panicking I turn around quickly to see Brad chasing after us.
"Hey Leah, you left your phone," he says panting,
"Thanks Brad," I smile as he hands me my phone.
"No worries," he smiles again before saying goodbye and heading back to the studio.

I play it Noah on the way home and when mum finally gets in I play it her. They both were impressed and not been big-headed I think it's fairly good.

I lay awake before getting my phone and typing up 'The Vamps' all the results that come up shock me. I can't believe I met them I think to myself. My thoughts are then interrupted by a text message.

A/N: Quite a short and fairly boring chapter but it will get better :)

Time Is Not On Our Side // Brad Simpson Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя