•Chapter 4•

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                   ~3 months later~
Leah's P.O.V
I've been talking and hanging out with the boys for a while now. Their fame doesn't get in the way at all, or make things awkward. They're so down the earth and kind not to mention hilarious.
It took them around 3 week to actually tell me about them been famous. They thought that it would ruin how I thought of them.

"Shhhhhhh..." I here Connor as I walk into Brad's house (where they are all staying). I can't see anyone but i know they must be here as I can hear them whispering. I walk into the living room they all jump out on me. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEAH!" They all scream and hug me. I look around and see balloons and a table full of treats.
"Thank you guys," I smile as we all sit on the couch. They all hand me an envelope and I open it carefully knowing what the boys were like...

"Omg..." I mutter as I open it to find a ticket along with a pass.
"Leah! We're going on tour!! And your coming with us!!" Connor shouts.
"Thank you so much!" I reply in complete shock and I hug them again.

The rest of the day results in us singing and dancing like crazy people. It was probably one of the best days of my life and I really can't wait for this tour!

When it gets to 10:30 I decide to make my way to the spare room where I'll be sleeping I thank them all again and we make arrangements for the tour. It's 3 weeks until the tour and I've never been more excited in my life. Brad follows me upstairs and stops me as I enter my room before handing me another box.
"Just another little present," he smiles
"You didn't have to get me anything else," I smile as I start opening the box.

When it's unwrapped I look at it in awe, he got me a skate board it's a blue galaxy pattern and it's beautiful.
"For next time we go skating,"
"Omg thank you," I smile so much my cheeks ache.
"And I've got you another present," he grins,
"Seriously? What?" I smile,
"I can't show you yet, you'll have to wait, goodnight," he leaves my room and I take of my make up put on my pjs and tie up my hair in a bun before texting mum telling her what's been happening today.

I quickly fall asleep that night, dreaming about the future. A knock on the door awakes me, I sit up and look at the time it's 3:45, I lay back down I'm obviously imagining things. I hear it again, this time I get up and open it to see Brad.
"What are you doing? I'm asleep," I mutter,
"Not anymore, come for your next present," he smiles before covering my eyes with a blind fold and leading me outside.

After walking for what feels like miles he tells me to keep my eyes shut as he takes of the blindfold. "Right open," the first thing I see isn't the view it's his smile. I look around to see the sunrise in front of us and beautiful fairy lights tied from tree to tree. I run at him and hug him trying to hold back the tears. We sit down and he gets the guitar leaning against a tree.

He smiles as he starts singing "We're getting better, better," I instantly recognise the song. It's my song...

After the song is over we sit opposite each other on the blanket "Sorry this present is so cheesy," he giggles
"It's perfect," I smile.
"Leah... will you be my girlfriend?" He gazes into my eyes,
"Of course," I reply as his lips touch mine...

A/N: Hope this chapter didn't cringe you out too much😂❤️

Time Is Not On Our Side // Brad Simpson Where stories live. Discover now