•Chapter 11•

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May contain suicide/suicidal thoughts

I grip onto the wall tightly, is my life even worth living without him. I'm never going to see him again. I see Noah running towards me in the distance. I climb over the wall gripping on with my hands.

If I jump I end my suffering. After all I've not been living since I left I've been surviving.

I let go from the wall. Noah's screams echoe in my ears suddenly everything goes black...

I blink and open my eyes, where am I? I sit up and a stinging pain runs up my spine. "Noah..." I whimper "Can I talk to him?"
"No, not yet," my mum tells me.
"Your dad rung me sweetie," I nod and mum and dad leave the room. I hear shouting and get up to listen. As I stand up a jolting pain pulls me down but I manage to get back up.

As I limp toward the door I here my dad shouting. "You shouldn't have lied! You should've told her! It's her brother!"
The door swings open and they gasp when they see me there.

They carry my back to my hospital bed and dad sighs knowing he had to tell the truth. "When you jumped, Noah came after you and..."

"He didn't make it..."

"No!" Tears fall from my eyes instantly "He didn't! He can't be gone! Why did he do it?!"

"He loved you Leah, he still does... you can still go to see him if you'd like?" She whimpers.

I get up and walk to Noah's room ignoring the stinging in my back every time I took a step. I get inside and pull back the towel over his body to look at his face. His face was pale and cold I kissed his head and sat beside him.
"I can't believe you're gone, it's all my fault! I didn't know you'd jump after me." I wipe my eyes. "It shouldn't be this way I should be dead not you."

"I'll miss you so much, I love you..."

Time Is Not On Our Side // Brad Simpson Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt