• Chapter 10 •

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I roll up in my bed sheets as soon as I get home. I cry but there are no tears left. I fall asleep only to more bad thoughts.

The next morning I wake up at 10 to a FaceTime call. It's Tris I smile as I accept the call... "Hey Leah!" He smiles,
"Hi," my voice cracks, the last time I spoke was in Birmingham.
"How are you?" He sounds sympathetic towards me,
"I'm alright," I lie.
"Still probably better than Brad," he sigh before turning the camera round to Brad on stage talking to the crowd.
"Right this next song is dedicated to..." he wipes his eyes "a beautiful girl who wrote this song when I first met her."

He starts singing while playing his piano, "aint it sad when you miss a closing door," it's my song. I cry and Tristan turns the camera back around, "He really loves you," he smiles,
"What more than you!" I gasp and start laughing.
"Wouldn't take it that far, tradley is real!" He shouts making me laugh, "got to go now Leah! I'll text you later!" The call is ended...

It's only when I go to bed the bad thoughts flood in.

Ever since I left Brad hasn't texted me like he promised. Am I never going to here from him again? Was It all just a big joke? No it can't be! He sung my song he was the one who asked me out. It can't end! He was the one who fixed my heart. He made me smile. But he's gone. I can't carry on without him...

I wipe the tears from my eyes and run from my house blocking out Noah's voice as he calls me back. I make it to the bridge gasping for breath. My life isn't worth living without him.

Time Is Not On Our Side // Brad Simpson Where stories live. Discover now