•Chapter 9•

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I pull my suitcase down the stairs, careful not to scrape the walls. "Mum I'll miss you," she kisses me on the head and I smile.
"Noah, look after your 2 sisters, Leah, carry on working hard and dream big and little Sky make sure your daddy spoils you." She smiles and gives us all a kiss goodbye I don't look back after leaving the driveway I can't.

We walk to Brad's house as offered to give us a lift to the airport. It's really silent on the way there I don't try and talk knowing I'll cry.

We wait in the airport for a while after eating. Our flight is called so I stand up and walk to Brad who already has his arms out to hug me. I smile as tears flood my eyes, "I'll see you again Le I promise," he silently cries as he kisses my head. The awful thing is I don't think I will ever see him again...

We walk hand in hand to the terminal,
"B... Brad I'll miss you," I kiss him gently on the cheek
"I'll text you, FaceTime you every day Lelah."
I smile at the nickname and nod against his chest.

"I love you..." Brad shouts to me as I'm in the terminal, the door shuts behind us I never said I love you, I never said goodbye...

Time Is Not On Our Side // Brad Simpson حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن