Chapter 1

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Another chapter! Read on!!!

~♥ Chapter 1 ♥~

It was after one year that all of our contacts were lost. How? You’d ask me. Honestly… I don’t know either. It was like one day I had them on Facebook and other day their accounts were deactivated. It wasn’t all at once but within the year it was like they had some problem in their school that caused them to deactivate their accounts. Throughout the years that I lived in India, I don’t know if they remembered me or not but I certainly did. I missed them so much. And I did what I promised to them, to him, I came back.


*Five years later*

 “Ladies and gentlemen, you can now exit the flight from the two doors in the front and back of the plane. It is twenty five degrees outside. I hope you enjoyed flying with New York Airlines. Thank You.” The pilot droned out. I tuned in and out of her long speech because of the jittery feeling inside of me.

I had my carry bag in my hand as I made my way out of the plane through the long tunnel to the airport. It took me about fifteen minutes to finally collect my luggage and then I went to carry out all the airport processes. It was a really a long task and by the time I made it out of the airport, I was so tired that all I wanted to do was go find a bed and sleep.

But I knew I couldn’t do that. I had to do something else first – find my friends.

From all the information I had gathered about them – don’t even ask me how – I knew that they were all still together. They had moved out of the building they used to live in and now lived in a penthouse apartment in Midtown, near the New York University that I was going to attend. I know, even I couldn’t believe when I got my acceptance letter. I was going to visit their penthouse to surprise them first, and then take a taxi to the university so I can fill out forms for their dorms.

I knew that I could live with them but I was not confident enough to think that they had actually remembered me. Moreover, I could be even kicked out of the apartment. I know it was ridiculous but I was really nervous to meet them. It has been five years and we have all changed. I hired a taxi cab and the driver helped me with the luggage. After telling the address, we drove off. I rolled down the window and took deep breathe to calm myself down.

New York City – the city of dreams – hadn’t changed a bit. There were still those buildings which were so huge that you can’t help but feel awed, that traffic which made you frustrated. It was so overwhelming that I had to close my eyes for a second and think. I was going to meet my friends again.

I opened my eyes to see that we were almost coming to a stop. As our taxi came to a halt, I got out of the car and smiled at the huge building in front of me. The taxi driver got out my entire luggage and I thanked him. After paying, I grabbed everything and walked inside the building. It had a big and lovely lobby. I walked to the reception table and signed my name in. Then I made a bee-line towards the elevator and pressed the button to the fourteenth floor. My fingers were cold from the nervousness. Hundreds of thoughts ran through my mind. What if I got the wrong information? What if they’d already moved out? What if they didn’t like me? What if-

My thoughts were interrupted by the ding of the elevator coming to a stop. Was it me or did it move too fast?  The doors opened and I stepped out. There were several doors on my left and right side which went down the hallway. I could tell from the maintenance of the building that it was the home for many rich people. I knew that Nash’s parents were pretty rich. So my only guess was that they had bought the penthouse for the group.

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