Chapter 6

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One movie turned into two. By the time Logan and I got out of theater, it was near dinner time. We had decided to see a horror movie, which was Logan’s idea. After that, I had refused to go out with him ever again until we went to see a cheesy romance comedy, much to Logan’s dismay. The horror movie wasn’t scary at all. There was just so much blood and gore that I had to close my eyes at almost every scene. “That film was so sick,” I made a face.

“Well, the one you chose wasn’t anything better,” he retorted.

“Then why were you crying in the end?”

Logan looked flabbergasted. “I wasn’t!” He protested loudly.

I laughed loudly at his expression. He was actually crying in the end, I swear! We walked towards his car and he opened the door for me and winked.

The whole ride back was of Logan whining and protesting and trying to convince me that he didn’t cry. I would just shake my head and laugh quietly.

Before we could reach my building, he took a left turn and stopped the car. “Why did we stop?” I asked as he got out, rounded the car and opened my side of door. I raised my eyebrow at his action. Why so gentleman today?

“If we’re already on date then why not go with the movie and dinner thing?” he grinned.

I smiled at him but inside, guilt gnawed at me. I wanted to think of it as a date, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do so. I had said things in the spur of the moment and now I was regretting it.

The restaurant was not a fancy one. It was just like a diner. We walked in and took our seat. I didn’t exactly know what to order so Logan ordered for me.

“You better not order something poisonous for me,” I warned him.

He chuckled, “Good idea. Now I just got to bribe the place to put some poison in your pasta.”

“I’m never eating with you again,” I faked a gasp.

“We’ll see. If only you survive this dinner.” We both laughed.

Throughout the dinner, we chatted and laughed and it felt so good. But it felt more…friendly. I didn’t feel my heart beating fast like it should have.

Maybe because it was already with someone else.

At the time of desert Logan asked me, “Are you enjoying?”

“Of course, yeah,” I replied. And it was not a lie.

I tried. I tried so hard not to let Nash enter my mind. But I always compared him with whatever Logan did. How Logan never took his coffee with sugar and milk like Nash; or how he loved pepperoni pizza while Nash absolutely hated it.

When Logan drove me home, I turned the volume up of the radio so I didn’t have to talk with him. I just wanted to sleep today.

We reached the building and he insisted on walking me up to the door. I nodded silently and walked inside with him beside me. As we arrived to the penthouse’s door, Logan stopped and stared at me. I took out my key – it was handed to me by Flora the very next day I arrived. I opened the door and stepped inside.

“Nova,” he said quietly, making me turn around to face him. He was staring right into my eyes. He began to lean in. I took a sharp breath and moved away just as he was about to kiss me.

 “L-Logan,” I stuttered. He backed up and I breathed in. “I-I think you took the wrong idea. I can’t–we can’t–”

Logan sighed and cut me off, “It’s okay, Nova. I understand.” He nodded.

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