Chapter 5

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As the days passed by, I became used to the daily routine. Wake up, go to university, watch Nash and Maggie make out during lunch time, hang out with Logan later, come home, hang out with friends, study and go to sleep and repeat. A month had passed and I was finally fully settling in the hustle of New York City.

Being from a small city in India, I never got to see so many huge buildings. I had finally explored the building's roof. And let me tell you, it was as huge as the one in Aunt Dolly's building. And you could even see the Empire State Building clearly.

Thinking about Aunt Dolly made me nostalgic. After two years, she had moved back to India and married a man. I really missed her. She lived on the other side of the country so I hadn't seen her since her wedding. I was happy for, though. She finally found someone she could love after my uncle.

I came up to the roof whenever I could. This was my favorite pastime. Sitting on the roof and watching the buildings. Some people liked the sound of nature - the birds' chirping, the rustle of leaves of the trees, various insects' sounds. But I liked the sound of cities; the howling of the wind and the horns of the cabs on the streets.

I was weird like that.

Lost in thoughts, I didn't hear the footsteps approaching me from behind. It was only when the person spoke did I snap out of my thoughts. "So, this is where you always disappear to," the voice said, amused.

I didn't turn around. "It's really calming here."

"Yeah, because the sound of blaring horns is so calming," Logan chuckled as he came up beside me.

I playfully glared at him. "You have lived here since birth. It's all new for me. Give me a break," I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed loudly. "How did you know I was here?" I asked, changing the topic.

"I went to your penthouse - which is quite big," Logan commented, "Your friend, Nash, opened the door. He told me you're up here and shut the door on my face, not before I saw Maggie Davis on your couch," Remind me to never sit on it. "She's a sophomore, you know." He added with disgust.

I sighed. "I know." I simply replied. I was getting tired of Nash's fling. She was always a bitch to everyone and I was afraid her fake tan would be all over our couches by the time Nash got bored of her. I still remember what happened yesterday.



I was woken up from my sleep by a thump. I sat up on my bed and checked the clock on my nightstand. 1:35 AM. I heard another thump that came from outside my door.

"Nash," I heard a voice that I immediately recognized as Maggie's. I heard the door across from mine bedroom's door open and close. I was wide awake by that time.

Then I heard sounds that could affect any child's ear and mind. I didn't know how everyone slept through it. They were probably used to it. I fought back tears as I grabbed my pillow and made my way out of my bedroom.

Jess and Flora were already sharing a room so they didn't have space for another one. Seth was an idiot and could sleep though a hurricane. That left Jace. His room was at the end of the hallway, which helped.

I could hear the sounds much clearly now that I was outside. Tears threatened to spill as I practically sprinted towards Jace's door. I knocked a few times. The hallway was silent except the unholy sounds made by Nash and Maggie.

Jace didn't open the door and I was desperate so I twisted the knock and went inside, praying in my mind that he wasn't naked.

There was an unspoken rule in the house that no one should enter anyone's bedroom until they allow you to. There was 95 percent of chance that the person was naked. Privacy was a thing, anyway.

I entered his bedroom. The lights were off so all I could see was darkness. I waited my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I didn't have my contacts on, so everything looked a bit blurry. I saw a figure sleeping on a bed. I tiptoed towards him and - much to my relief - he wasn't naked.

I gently shook him. "Jace," I whispered. "Psst, Jace."

It took me three tries to finally get him to wake up. He sat up on his bed and blinked. I turned on the lamp on his nightstand. He winced, "November?"

That was when I saw he had earplugs on. I sighed mentally; this was the way they blocked out these sounds. He pulled out his earplugs and made a face when he heard the sounds.

"I couldn't sleep," I bit my lip to stop them from trembling. Since I arrived here, all of my friends noticed that something was wrong with Nash and me but no one said anything about it. Jace's face showed realization.

"He is-they are not doing...anything," he tried to comfort me. I raised an eyebrow and stared at him skeptically. He didn't know whether they were doing anything or not.

I decided to change the topic. I didn't want to discuss Nash's doings. No pun intended. "Can I sleep here, please?"

He nodded. That day Jace, being the gentleman, decided to sleep on floor and let me have his bed. He also gave me his headphones so I could block out the sounds with music.


I shook my head to clear the thoughts. Logan was staring at me. "What?" I asked with a wry smile.

"You like him, don't you?" he said with a smile of his own. His eyes held mine and I couldn't look away.

"Y-You don't understand, Logan," I said softly, gazing at him. His green eyes captivated me and it felt like he was looking into my soul. But I knew he didn't understood. "It's complicated." I sighed, finally looking away from him.

"Then make me understand," he said.

Logan and I had become close in this month. He was easy to talk to and was always a good listener. So I dove into the story. He already knew that I have been here five years back and that was how I met everyone. I told him about my promise to Nash on the rooftop after having our first kiss. I left the details of the kiss; he didn't need to know that much. He didn't interrupt me when I went through the time when Nash called me one of his whores but I saw his hand clench the railing.

"I liked him so much that I came back for him," I said finally. "I-I might love him."

He drew in a sharp breath. "Are you sure about this, Nova? I mean it was just a kiss-"

"It wasn't 'just a kiss'," I said a bit harshly.

He sighed. "I don't doubt you, okay? I just want to say, you should take care of yourself," he said. "If Nash's behavior doesn't change, maybe you should try to move on...?" he said it like a question. I remained quiet.

"Do you want to go watch a movie?" he asked, thankfully changing the topic.

I looked at him amused, "Logan Richard Peterson, are you asking me out?"

He looked baffled, "How did you know my middle name?"

I laughed and started walking towards the elevator. "I'm not telling you," I said, winking at him. "So, is it a date?" I inquired.

"Do you want it to be?" he smirked as we went inside the elevator.

I just shrugged. Why not? I might as well try to get over Nash. It still didn't mean I gave up on him. I wanted my friend back, if not my boyfriend.


New update! The words in Italics are the events of the previous day. I won't be updating until mid-June, so sorry everyone. Thank you for reading and for your positive remarks on this story. Means a lot to me xx


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