Chapter 3

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~♥Chapter 3♥~

I walked down the stairs, my earphones in my ears. Sometimes you needed some serious rock jamming. My iPod’s volume was high so I couldn’t hear what was going on in the apartment. Everyone was out doing God knows what. I turned towards the living room and the sight before me made me want to puke all over the red carpet of the room. I saw Seth and Flora heavily making out on the couch.

Like, they were seriously getting it on over the freaking couch!

Bless my poor, innocent eyes.

“Whoa,” I said loudly.

They broke apart from my loud exclamation, both looking wide eyed. Seth looked at me and then back at Flora. “Whoa,” he said breathlessly.

“Yeah, Whoa,” I said still shocked. Flora’s face was almost the color of her hair. She pushed Seth off of her and got up. After fixing her t-shirt and hair she tried to make her way out of the room. But I was not going to let this one go. “Wait a diddy darn minute there, Flo,” I grabbed her arm and put my arm around her shoulder. “I think I’m missing something here,”

Seth looked confused, “There is nothing to miss here. We are dating,”

“But since when? I have been here since five days and I haven’t seen you doing any couple-y stuff before,” I was as confused as him.

Flora sighed, “Because we are told to keep it PG in front of everyone. They are a bit grossed out of our…display of affection.”

Then it dawned on me. I had noticed them, holding hands or sharing secretive smiles and looks with each other, their sudden disappearance. Most of the time, I mistook it for friendship. They had always been close ever since they were kids.

I grinned at them, “I take it, as everyone’s out today you two decided to shower your romance all over the place. I’m really happy for you guys! So, I will quietly leave with my iPod. Enjoy the rest of the day alone but,” I paused. “Remember I don’t want little Flora and Seth running around in the penthouse.” I quickly finished my rant and almost dashed out of the penthouse before they could say anything.


I walked with my hands in my shorts’ pockets and earphones in my ear once again. Yeah, I was pretending I was in a music video. Who doesn’t do it? I mouthed the words to a Paramore’s song. I didn’t bother paying attention to people passing by and they did the same. That’s what I found interesting about NYC. You may get some weird looks if you’re doing something unusual but nobody stopped to say something. They didn’t have time for it. Minding your own business was the top priority of people of this city.

I smiled at people passing by. I liked doing that. Maybe somewhere, someone was having a bad day. A smile cannot do much but at least it can show that there was a source of happiness in their life.

I noticed a Starbucks at the corner of a street and decided to take a trip. I entered the place, pushing the door open. My earphones were now tucked in my pocket along with iPod. I went to the counter and ordered my drink. After taking my Caramel Macchiato, I paid for it and turned around only to run into someone.

My drink tilted and spilled on the person’s shirt, “Shit,” I muttered, before turning around to get some paper napkins. I grabbed a few and after throwing my – now empty – drink glass in the garbage can, I started wiping the person’s shirt. I did it so fast that the person didn’t have the time to move from their place. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking. I must not walk blindly–”

“Hey, it’s okay,” The person said. “I shouldn’t have spilled your drink,”

The person was a male. He was around my age with light brown hair and green eyes. He was extremely good looking. The guy was wearing dark jeans and a white button up which was now ruined. “Look, I’m really sorry,” I apologized once again. Luck was on my side, because the Starbucks was completely empty except of the worker. It would have been more embarrassing with people around.

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