Chapter 8

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HERE IT IS! Oh my god, I finally updated. I'm so fucking sorry for the delay. There were exams and then I wasn't in the town. My results came out day before yesterday and they were awful. I could have posted the chapter that day if it weren't for my unbelievably bad grades. So, here it is. It is not edited, so feel free to point out any mistakes. I haven't given up on this story and I hope you won't either.


I woke up to the sound of shuffling downstairs. I groaned silently. Apparently, when they were building this penthouse, they didn't think of soundproof rooms. My mind was fuzzy from sleep as I opened my eyes to darkness of my room, slightly illuminated by the sunlight falling through the curtains on my window. I turned to my right and grabbed my phone. Wincing at the sudden brightness of the screen, I checked the time. It was six in the morning.

I had no idea who was awake at this time, especially on Saturday. I deliberated on going back to sleep, but after a while finally rolled out of the bed. The sound of heavy footsteps had already waked me up already. After a series of yawning and stretching, I made my way to the bathroom in the hallway.

After doing my morning routines, I got out of the bathroom and heard a voice coming from the kitchen. I trudged down the stairs curiously. All the lights of the hallway were dimmed and as were the ones downstairs. I shivered at the cold and gloomy vibe it gave.

My bare feet hit soundlessly at the soft carpet as I made my way to the kitchen. It was the only room that was brightly lit in the dark house. Someone was cursing inside and I immediately recognized his deep, smooth voice. He hadn't heard me as he was on phone with someone. His back was turned away from the door. I felt bad for intruding but my curiousness won over me.

"What were you even thinking?"

His back was tensed and I wanted to reach out to relax him. He was gripping the counter tightly, his knuckles turning white from the force. "To hell with your company! It's mom's death anniversary, father!" So it was Patrick, again. What did that man want now? I leaned at the framework of the door, listening silently.

"No, I'm not taking November to the dance," he sighed with anger. "There is nothing going between us. She keeps bouncing around me every day. I don't know why the rest even agreed to keep her here." I inhaled sharply. His words stung. It was a surprise, since we said much harsher things to each other yesterday.

"I don't want to discuss my love life with someone who ruined theirs, anyway," Nash spat. "The only reason I'm doing this is event is because of that company." With that he pulled the phone away from his ear and ended the call.

His back remained tensed but he loosened his grip on the counter. I knew that I should have backed away from the room before he saw me. He would think I was a clingy, eavesdropping bitch. But I couldn't help myself. I stood stiffly at the doorway. He had finally turned around and was looking at me with his dark blue eyes.

His eyes used to be bright blue when he was excited. I remember how they used to shine. Comparing it to now, you couldn't even tell that they were the same person. His expression always remained guarded and his eyes looked so dull.

Nash took a step forward and I almost wanted to take one back. "You were eavesdropping." It wasn't a question. His eyes held mine and it felt like he was piercing through my mind.


He sighed, ran his hand through his hair and gently shoved past me, trudging upstairs. I wanted to say something. I wanted to grab him and hug him tightly. Instead, I looked back and shivered.

Did he felt it? Did he felt that way, whenever we touched?


The city was bright and noisy as ever. I sat against the window of my room. I smiled slightly at not-so-much of a coincidence that they gave me this room. I took a sip of my coffee, swallowing the warm liquid. It left a bitter taste in my mouth with a hint of sweetness, which reminded me of my life. Never mind, I was trying to be deep.

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