Chapter 2

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~♥ Chapter 2 ♥~

I woke up the next day earlier than everyone. Checking the time in my phone, which I still had clutched to me, it was 7 am. Knowing how much of lazy asses my friends were, I decided to go down and make breakfast myself. I lived here after all, I thought gleefully.

Opening the bedroom door, I poked my head out and tried to listen for any sound. All I heard were faint snores coming from a bedroom at the end of the hallway. I didn’t stop to think whose room they were coming from and observed the photographs that hung on the walls. They were all from their high school. There was one of their graduation in which all of them were standing side by side, grinning like idiots. Another was of their senior prom. Jess was missing in it and I assumed she was the one behind the camera.

She never liked her photo been taken. There was another picture of the prom and I almost laughed because everyone was giving a goofy pose and Jess stood there with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. She was actually wearing a dress – which looked surprisingly good on her – but was without make up. I shook my head and smiled slightly.

I travelled down the stairs and looking at the photos. Nash was actually smiling in all of them. One of them caught my eye. It was of five years back. We all stood under the Statue of Liberty and were cheering. I had my arms wrapped around Jess and Seth and was grinning maniacally. I still remembered the day. I tugged at the bracelet I always wore – the one that they had given me. It was still in a perfect shape.

Finally, when my stomach began to rumble, I went downstairs to the kitchen. After looking around, I settled for toast and eggs. I started cooking the eggs and heard some shuffling upstairs. Thinking that one of them had finally woken up from their deep slumber, I stacked the food in two huge plates and turned to keep them on the island counter. Just then, a figure entered the room.

I looked up to see blue eyes staring at me and the smile faded from my face. He was hungover but still managed to look handsome in that messy bed hair. I opened my mouth but Nash beat me to it,

“Who are you?” he looked confused. “And what are you doing in my kitchen?” he demanded. I immediately shut my mouth closed. Of course, he did not recognize me. He was probably too drunk to remember that I was present here yesterday. I whispered, “Nash, It’s-”

He cut me off by clasping his hand on my wrist and I looked up to see Nash towering over me.  Tingles shot up my arm, just like they did before. “You are not one of the whores I slept with, are you?” he narrowed his eyes at me, “I don’t remember bringing you here yesterday,”

Rage boiled through me as I looked at him, “You asshole,” I hissed at him.

“Whoa, did I angry the little kitten?” he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. It hurt me to hear the coldness in his voice. I was practically shaking by the time I saw Jess entering the kitchen sleepily.

She looked at us and sighed like she knew what was happening and pulled me away from Nash, all the traces of sleep gone from her. “Nash, don’t argue with her,” she said calmly.

“Who is she, Jessalyn,” he said almost mockingly, “The president of USA?”

She glared at him and raised her hand to punch him but I held her back. “Jess!” I shrieked. My heart was beating really fast. The brunette looked like she’d murder him. Nash stood casually as if it was their daily routine.

“Let me go, November,” she said angrily and continued glaring at him, “It’s about time I punch the shit out of this jerk,” she tugged at her arm, almost breaking free from my grip.

But Nash was not listening to her. His face had whitened. He looked at me with his eyes wide, like he had seen a ghost. The initial shock of my appearance lasted for merely five seconds and he said, “November?”

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