Chapter 7

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When I was small, maybe 6 or 7, Mom and Dad took to the beach for the first time. I remember being very angry because they didn’t agree to buy me ice-cream on our way there. At that time, the reason to be outraged was nothing more than just a small disagreement. But whatever rage I felt dissipated when I saw the beach.

 I was torn between trying to be angry at my parents or stare with awe at the beautiful scene in front of me. The sand was in its rich, sandy color and it looked so soft. And the water of the sea stretched on to what felt like infinite. It almost felt like the blue sky was pouring its color in the water where they touched.

Apart from it, there was another thing that reached out to me. It was the roaring sound of the waves as they hit the land and split over rocks. The sound was vociferous, but calm at the same time. This was what I felt when I saw Patrick standing rigidly on the door. I couldn’t hear anything other than the roaring, but there was one difference in this. I sure as hell didn’t feel calm.

It was a whirlwind. Just as I was about look away, his eyes connected with mine.

I stood there silently and let his eyes roam over my face, trying to identify who I was. They were calculative with a flicker of confusion that he was certainly trying to hide. And he was doing a good job because I almost didn’t see it over his stoic face and unmoving posture.

Mr. Wilson’s swept away from me to something behind me – or someone. I didn’t dare follow his gaze. I didn’t dare move. It felt like if I moved an inch, everything would break. I watched as his face turned more stern– if that was even possible. He watched Nash with cold eyes.

The room was in a haunting silence. Everyone’s eyes were trained on Mr. Wilson. The tension between Nash and him was so thick that I couldn’t even cut it with a knife. I watched as Patrick’s face lifted in an eerie smile.  A shiver went down my spine.

“Won’t you invite the guest in?”

Jace broke out of his stance and quickly stepped away from the door to let him in. Mr. Wilson walked into the room like he owned place. Well, he sort of did. His eyes swept over me once again. This time, Jace noticed and introduced me. “Mr. Wilson, this is November. You might remember her,” he said awkwardly.

Patrick’s face was just as calculative as it was before but his eyes showed that he had indeed remembered me. “Nova,” he said, giving me shivers, “It’s nice to meet you again.”

I eyed him warily, “It’s nice to meet you too, Patrick.”

He walked towards me, almost causing me to back away. “What are you doing here? Last I saw you, you were,” he pretended to think. “Fifteen?”

I swallowed inaudibly. “I got an acceptance letter to NYU. I’m sorry, I didn’t inform you that I was residing at your penthouse,” I managed to say without stuttering.

“No, no. We all love you, November. It’s alright if you’re staying here with them,” he said coolly as his eyes went back to Nash.

“What are you doing here?”

Nash’s cold voice made me turn back to look at him. He was staring at the floor, his face turned in the angle that I could see his tattoo more clearly. I saw his hands shake as he closed them in fists.

This time I backed away from the father and son to near Flora. As I stood beside her, it was like an understanding because we both interlinked our hands together at the same time. As we all watched, Nash and Patrick had a small staring competition.

“What are you doing here?” Nash repeated, stressing on every word.

Mr. Wilson smiled at him, “Can’t I visit my only child?”

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