Chapter 6

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Kirsten POV

I finally change out of the sopping catsuit. I love Cameron, but can he please make it easier to take off. But finally after a lot of wriggling I slip it of my legs and get back into normal clothes.

I open the door and everyone is silent. I wonder if people began to leave, but Cameron would be here he is giving me a ride home. Also, Fisher and Maggie would be discussing the case. But it is so silent you could hear a pin drop. I start walking down the stairs and I notice everyone is looking towards the elevator.

Fisher looks at me with pure terror. Faster then I could process he pulls me back up the steps and up into a room.

"What is going on?" I ask as he locks the door and looks out the small window.

"Are the windows bullet proof?" He asks not answering my previous question.

"Yes Maggie insisted but what is going on?" I ask more firmly and he sighs and looks at me.

"We got a visit from Daniel Stinger." It only takes a moment to process. Until I realize that Cameron and the others are still down there with that maniac. Fisher reads me and he pulls me back before I can get to the door. I start to cry which only turns into screams when I hear a gunshot.

"Kirsten please calm down." Fisher pleads but I'm still struggling. When I hear another shot I go limp because my body is shaking to badly to even support my weight. The second means that Stinger is still alive, which means the first shot came from him. Maggie wouldn't have missed.

"Kirsten?" Fisher says and I'm about to respond when my whole world goes black.

Cameron POV

I'm happy Fisher got Kirsten out of here. But now I realize that Stinger is pissed. We took his daughter away. He pulls out a gun and I see Linus grab Camille and pull her under a desk. At least they're safe. But the rest of the people start going towards the exits. Daniels eyes never lead Maggie's.

I start to leave when he points the gun at the roof and shoots. I fall to the ground and cover my head like I was trained to do. I didn't even notice Maggie pull her gun out.

"I bet that was my daughter walking down the stairs." He says and Maggie does nothing. Finally his eyes glance over me. Crap.

"Who are you?" He asks and Maggie clicks the safety off her gun as a warning. I start to rise and Maggie still does nothing. With that gun pointed at him, I have no fear.

"I'm Cameron." I say confidently.

"Shut up." Maggie says and trust me, I obey.

"Yes please do." He says and shoots the electrical circuit for the lab. Crap no the lights are out. But when they flicker back on Stinger is gone. It's like he was never here at all.

"Maggie?" I ask and she looks at me. "Please arm me." I say. She goes over to a drawer and pulls out a gun.

"Normally I wouldn't do this but given the circumstances I don't blame you for wanting protection." She says and I agree. Linus and Camille pop out from under the desk.

"Is he still here?" Camille asks and Maggie walks over to the elevator. She presses the up button and we hear the gears shift. It's coming from the top.

"No he's gone, for now." She says and looks at me. "Linus will take Camille and Cameron you will take Kirsten. You can't stay at your house anymore. He probably knows where it is." She says and Linus grabs Camille and takes her to get her things out of her locker.

I start to go up the stairs to hunt down Fisher and Kirsten. Before I make it up the third step Fisher opens the door.

"Get Ayo now!" He yells then runs back into the room. I run inside when I see Maggie go to search for our doctor.

When I get in Kirsten is laying on the couch in the room.

"What happened?" I ask and Fisher sighs.

"I think she passed out. She was pretty freaked out by the gunshots." He said and I noticed the nail marks on his face.

"And when you mean freaked out, you actually meant berserk." I ask and he nods.

"She was screaming but after we heard the second gun shot she fell limp." He said and I nodded back at him.

Ayo took her back and started to examine her. I wanted to follow but Fisher held me back.

When she came back out she said that Kirsten had passed out. When she woke up I had to calm her down since I know her best.

"Can I take her home." I asked and Maggie nodded.

"Fisher Cameron is having her whole up at his place." Maggie said and he nodded. I was carrying her out when Fisher grabbed my arm.

"Call if anything happens." He said and I nodded. Tonight I was opening the door for no one.

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